Why does my weed taste like shit?


Well-Known Member
Okay first on topic, CURE YOUR WEED! FOR AT LEAST A COUPLE WEEKS!! or dont, i dont really care, but if you try it you'll have trouble going back to smoking it all while its fresh. Cured weed= tasty weed. Uncured weed= fresh cut lawn.
now... where i come from 5 bong rips will roll you a pretty nice 1g joint. and either one will get you good and ripped.


Well-Known Member
Curing is the difference between an also ran and a cup winner. For instance the Silver Haze strains like a really long cure and will reward you with a mind altering seriously bad ass smoke. Don't cure them for more than 3 months and you get just some good smoke.


Active Member
Flushing is for the clean burning, curing is for the taste.

Bagweed is cured in the bag during the time it takes to go from harvest to market. Big commercial growers don’t really care but it cures anyway. You could grow enough to get 3 months ahead of your daily habit. That way you will always have sweet well cured bud and a smile.

Perpetual SOG “Donkey dicks” ½ oz. per dick in 2 and 3 liter soda bottles taped to block the light. 2 well rooted clones about 6" to 8” tall go into flower every Friday and 2 come out. 8 week flowering time is only: 16 plants in flower + moms, cuttings rooting, and 4 to 6 clones getting a little veg time. harvest about an OZ per week give or take.


Well-Known Member
i'm about 2 weeks into my first cure. straight off the plant the bud was worthless. too wet to burn. hung it 3-4 days, then trimmed it and put it into canning jars. once a day i take out my jars and lay the buds out. i let them dry for 10 minutes or until whenever the outside starts to feel dry, like how i would want it to stop. then it all goes back in the jar for another day.

i've been smoking out of my first jar and it was air dried the longest. it is the dryest of all my harvest. the smoke gets better each day.


Well-Known Member
i'm about 2 weeks into my first cure. straight off the plant the bud was worthless. too wet to burn. hung it 3-4 days, then trimmed it and put it into canning jars. once a day i take out my jars and lay the buds out. i let them dry for 10 minutes or until whenever the outside starts to feel dry, like how i would want it to stop. then it all goes back in the jar for another day.

i've been smoking out of my first jar and it was air dried the longest. it is the dryest of all my harvest. the smoke gets better each day.
That's exactly what I've been doing. Funny how you don't really "get it" till you do it yourself.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that guy says bowls waste weed. Dude?

Joints waste weed the most. Bongs are second and the most efficient is a pipe with one hit loads at a time or one hitter bats.


Well-Known Member
yeah i just let it cure 2 weeks and it already tastes better. its a kinda sweet smell like candy but it waws just bagseed but it looked good the whole time flowering, all sativa. i do have some spider mites. just at the root and on the dirt?? is that enough to alter taste at a ll?


Well-Known Member
the amount of time to cure mostly affect the harshness and dryness of the bud not flavor...Ive dryed my bud in boxes for only 5 days and cured in jars for years and the bud is very tasty and not very harsh


Well-Known Member
I think its just the strain... Cause i can pick it off the plant let it dry for a week and smoke it and its awesome. You'll have better luck next time. Bagseed is just cross bred/inbred shit that is just trying to survive nature. Seeds from a breeder have been selectively bred to stabilize the characteristics of the strain by choosing specific effects, appearances, smells, and tastes. Therefore, you know what to expect...


Well-Known Member
Most of the veteran growers on this site tell me to cure for atleast a month.Im a new grower myself So I wouldnt want to wait that long either but it might be the prob.
you sad you sprayed leaves? dont spray them if your plant is flowering. maybe thats mold what youre smoking.

i dried mine for 1 and a half weeks and cured for 1 week. my buds taste SUPER.


Well-Known Member
this is very true for i haved done both but a good newb method of drying that i did was that i harvest literly about a pound and split it up in like 8 large paper bags and let it dry in a dark closet took like a month to dry good and then went into jars b4 being sold and it tasted delious make sure to check on it every 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
so ok, i just harvested my 5th plant since i started growing in april. ive got a 400w hps bulb and hood. in my grow room got a squirell cage fan for exhaust, and an intake fan that blows on plants. the get good dark time with no other light. spray perrier on leaves early right before light comes on while its cool. im using fox farm evrything. Ocean forrest soil, mixed with peace of mind organic fertilizer (5-8-4). Grow big for veg, big bloom and tiger bloom for flower. am i doing everything right and it just tastes like shit because the only thing ive grown is bagseed? i hope so, buds dont ever even taste like weed at all. i flush for two weeks as well with plain water. HELP??? just got my seeds in the mail too so hopefully that will be the problem. MP5k i just got. any help????

hang your plant upside down until its mostly dry n abit squidgy,then put it in a air tight jar n leave it for a few weeks,make sure its not too wet tho else it will go mouldy
the longer the cure the better the tastes n smokes.simple
if it hasnt been cured properly the way to tell is how it burns,the smoke and ash should b pure white


Well-Known Member
well i havent got one down yet that worked. ive let dry for like a week then put in a jar and let it cure as i took buds out to smoke em, someone told me to air dry 3 days and then stick in a jaar opening once a day? did that and it still just kinda tastes not like what it should.
Just as an example...This year I did the jar thing for 1st time... I didn't wait longer then 2 weeks before I got into it...but 1 top I forgot about and dried for 4 weeks and turned a good color and the taste was great... now the dilemma ...taste great... or stoned now......... What is a pothead to do ? ...grow more thats it.... !!!


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Theres no waaay a joint uses less weed than a bowl. .2 or .3 of a gram will pack a bowl. You maaybe can roll you up a lil pinner outta that, but you still end up with roaches in all your ash trays they you try to smoke them to not waste any and they taste like shit cause all the resin and junk. Get ya a nice bowl and keep 1 jar to pluck buds from and let the other be for a month or so.