Why does my plant look like sh#t ?


Active Member
ok guys im in week 7 of 12/12 with this girl, probably about 70% of the leaves are either yellow or brown and dead.

Plently of bud on it and all the sugar leaves look alright except the ones on the main cola an the top they have also turned brown and crispy ? wtf is the deal dudes??

sorry for the bad pic quality.



Well-Known Member
You're going to have to explain more as what I see in that picture does not happen overnight. The plant looks as if it was doing well, at least 6 sets of nodes with descent development but what happened after 12/12 started?

heat? Over fertilized? Root bound? pH is off? Could be any number of things.
looks like all of the above, but only in the last week.



Active Member
I had one plant do this , although not as bad. The only thing that worked was to give it an H2O2 flushing. i used 5 ml per gal of 28% h2o2 that I picked up at the hydro store. You could just use the 3 % that you get at the drug store, although I'm not sure on the amount per gal. ( my math skill sucks ) outside of that it looks like it might be bud rot, if you can isolate it away from the other plants to protect them I would do so. Flush with the solution until the entire soil is saturated, let it drain out so as to not run out the holes in the bottom of the pot and then lightly feed it with 1/4 or 1/2 solution of grow nutes ( for nitrogen supply). Then let the medium dry out befor any other watering.
The plant can not take up the nutriants due either to lockout, overwatering, root bound or fungal attack in the root zone. ( If its not bud rot) Adding h2o2 gives it an oxygen boost, which it can not get while the situation remains as is. This may save it if its a root problem. Otherwise trash it and get it out of the flower room befor it infects the other plants.


Well-Known Member
You sure one of your friends did not slip some weed killer in there, this thing just looks like someone did that. If it is not dead it will be by tomorrow. If you dont know what happened I would trash it and keep care of the other girls


Active Member
Its been lookin rough for some time now but at first it was just teh fan leaves yellowing and i thought it was just natural as the plant is using the energy to produce the buds. i was clearly wrong. It is only the top cola that seems to look so bad. my camera is no good so it doesnt really give a real idea of what the plant looks like. The buds below the main cola look perfectly healthy and green. Also the Main cola is not brown like it looks on that picture it is light green. how can i chek if its bud rot?? How does bud rot come about ? as my ventalation is very good in the tent and i dont really have any humidity or heat issues. help pleaseee? also will the quality of the smoke be as sh*t as it looks?


Active Member
Are 10L pots to small for my plants ? i vegged for 5 weeks and have been flowering for 7 under a 600w hps? could this of caused lock out?


Active Member
Gently break open the bud and see what the inside looks like to check for bud rot. brown, black, fuzzy, crispy, all are signs of fungal attack.


Active Member
ok i wil be sure to do so as soon as the lights come on tomorrow, what could cause this as my other 2 plants look fine and so do the lower buds of this plant


Well-Known Member
Its been lookin rough for some time now but at first it was just teh fan leaves yellowing and i thought it was just natural as the plant is using the energy to produce the buds. i was clearly wrong. It is only the top cola that seems to look so bad. my camera is no good so it doesnt really give a real idea of what the plant looks like. The buds below the main cola look perfectly healthy and green. Also the Main cola is not brown like it looks on that picture it is light green. how can i chek if its bud rot?? How does bud rot come about ? as my ventalation is very good in the tent and i dont really have any humidity or heat issues. help pleaseee? also will the quality of the smoke be as sh*t as it looks?
Well bud rot will look like cottony white or gray spots that appear fuzzy somewhat...and you can smell it as soon as you get near the plants...like you will smell weed, and something else...something not good...


Well-Known Member
I don't know what size pot that is exactly...and I can't picture more than 2 liters in my head...but the pot looks very small for the amount of plant that is there...but 10L would have to be pretty big...


Well-Known Member
I don't know what size pot that is exactly...and I can't picture more than 2 liters in my head...but the pot looks very small for the amount of plant that is there...but 10L would have to be pretty big...
Ive seen 6 foot sativas in a 1 gallon pot.. I dont believe in rootbound


Active Member
nope ive not got round to trimming or weighing yet none of the bud was rotted like it appears to be on that very poor quality picture. It is hang drying in as we speak. For the bad condition of the plant the bud looks quite good IMO.