Why does my bud look like this? White stems???? Pictures


Fuck it! smoke it!:blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:
:mrgreen: hahaha. Damn I say fuck it, without the smoke it. Money is money your health is a different matter. Plenty of non moldy bud out there! I suggest growing your own batch and soon as you get some moldy bud go sell that kid a bunch of it for cheap kiss-ass

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
well what kills mold

could he soak it in hyrogen preoxide then let it air dry
then smoke

doesn't fire kill everything


Well-Known Member
Damn, that really sucks, its a shame that you've got to deal with people like that. Thats why I started growing, hated dealing with shifty, dishonest fucks! Not to mention my herb is the shizzy, cheap to grow, and fetches a good price on the market.


Well-Known Member
OMG I ALMOST THREW UP WHEN I SEEN THAT PICTURE!!! I HOPE YOU'RE OK!!! You can die from some shit like that!!! I would kill whoever sold you that!!! That shit look so disgusting