• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

why does government lie and commit fraud

Brick Top

New Member
why do they do what they do??

because they can. :|

it sucks, but they can pretty much do whatever they want and get away with it.. why? because they're the government!
The handy part about being the government is if you do not like something you simply make whatever it is illegal.


So you are saying that the Holy Catholic Church has said people do not die and go to heaven or hell and instead are reincarnated? If the Pope said that he would be out of a job. No one would need religion if they knew they would keep being recycled and did not have to fear hell.
no i said it changed that particular catholic family


The handy part about being the government is if you do not like something you simply make whatever it is illegal.
why is because we are slaves ... and are not free .. they rule us and consider us their property .. they believe marijuana would slow down the production of their property .

Brick Top

New Member
no .. we were hypothetically saying sacrifice my son and the reason i would sacrifice myself first ....and if it werent for all the poisons the government is putting in its foods we would live over 200years ... we are suppose to eat just once a day and maybe 1 or two small snacks of fruit and nuts .... breakfast luch and dinner is a lie designed to slowly weaken our digestive systems which in turn wears down the body prematurely.
Do you honestly believe that if people ate differently they would live for 200 years? Explain Euell Gibbons then. He was a proponent of a natural diet and he did not eat the things you say are killing us earlier than we should die and he keeled over at 64 years old.


There is no proof. Proof removes the need for faith and religion is founded in faith. If you can Google God and get his email address and telephone number you no longer need to have faith that God exists because it is then a proven fact.
it still wouldnt be proven .. and address and email .. is not proof and i dont proclaim any religion .. just absolute truth. scientist have proven we are all from one source . thats is proof because only life can create life .. a rock , apiece of metal, or plastic can not create life .. me and you can plants and animals can earth and sun can .. therefore that original source in which we all have been proven to come from must in fact be life as well ... The supreme life or supreme being.....

Brick Top

New Member
why is because we are slaves ... and are not free ..

If so we enslave ourselves by electing the people we do and by continuing to accept living in the political systems we live in. Can a slave owner be held accountable when the slaves themselves volunteer for the position of being a slave?


Do you honestly believe that if people ate differently they would live for 200 years? Explain Euell Gibbons then. He was a proponent of a natural diet and he did not eat the things you say are killing us earlier than we should die and he keeled over at 64 years old.
one problems is the air is polluted .. the gas staions say warning . cuase cancer and even death in animal over prolong exposure .. so we are breathing this gas that is the reason cancer is widespread .. the attack on tobacco was a cover up ... the oil spills are being done purposely ....they want to destroy life ...it sad ... also the trees reduction doesnt help they breath in lots of the impurities co2 's

Brick Top

New Member
it still wouldnt be proven .. and address and email .. is not proof and i dont proclaim any religion .. just absolute truth. scientist have proven we are all from one source . thats is proof because only life can create life .. a rock , apiece of metal, or plastic can not create life .. me and you can plants and animals can earth and sun can .. therefore that original source in which we all have been proven to come from must in fact be life as well ... The supreme life or supreme being.....
You very conveniently missed, or ignored and avoided, my point. The Google email address and telephone number was a humorous example of how once proof exists there is no need for faith and faith no longer exists and religion is based in faith so having proof would negate all need for religion. One would know and one would do and they would not need a pedophile in a frock to tell them how to live their lives morally.


If so we enslave ourselves by electing the people we do and by continuing to accept living in the political systems we live in. Can a slave owner be held accountable when the slaves themselves volunteer for the position of being a slave?
you cant believe those elections are real ? if that was the case we would have a total popular vote no we have to elect electorals who claim they will vote for party ... and did u ever wonder why we have a government with these differnet parties who argue and bicker and slander one another but yet this is one country suppose to be one goal ...how could a country function properly when half the leaders hate the other half

oh .. you cant believe that slaves will volunteer to be a slave !


Well-Known Member

This thread would be hilarious if he hadn't involved his unborn child in this "experiment". I cannot believe you would gamble with your child like that. It's no wonder the world is so fucked!:evil:


You very conveniently missed, or ignored and avoided, my point. The Google email address and telephone number was a humorous example of how once proof exists there is no need for faith and faith no longer exists and religion is based in faith so having proof would negate all need for religion. One would know and one would do and they would not need a pedophile in a frock to tell them how to live their lives morally.
your right i did miss that , that was king of funny but you make my point exactly .. the government needs religion to devide the world ... they couldnt allow the universal facts of us being from the source life and all that is made from this source life are gods .... we contribute are advancements to science and not our god given powers ... well science is the observation of how the supreme being works

Brick Top

New Member
one problems is the air is polluted .. the gas staions say warning . cuase cancer and even death in animal over prolong exposure .. so we are breathing this gas that is the reason cancer is widespread .. the attack on tobacco was a cover up ... the oil spills are being done purposely ....they want to destroy life ...it sad ... also the trees reduction doesnt help they breath in lots of the impurities co2 's
So now it is not actually the food and instead pollution.

Are you old enough to remember the dye scares of the past that resulted in people being afraid to eat M&Ms and pickle relish etc? Laboratory tests on rats showed that the dyes caused cancer. What was not revealed was it took a freight car full amount of the stuff to be dangerous and no one eats that much in a lifetime. Maybe they could if they lived to be 200 years old but since humans do not have that long of a life expectancy it is not a true danger.

I am curious, who is purposely attempting to wipe out life on the planet and who is intentionally releasing oil in an attempt to do so?

Do you realize that the amount of oil that has flowed into the Gulf of Mexico is a drop in the bucket compared to the total amount of crude oil, refined oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil, gasoline, aviation fuel and the rest of the various types of oil based products that ended up in the oceans of the world in WWII?

When did life on the planet end? Are we all now here only because we died and were reincarnated?

Mother Nature might be old and slow but she is a tidy housekeeper and she cleans up messes in time.



This thread would be hilarious if he hadn't involved his unborn child in this "experiment". I cannot believe you would gamble with your child like that. It's no wonder the world is so fucked!:evil:
see fear ... you fear that marijuana is a drug and does harm .. i have no fear in that ,, i know it to be a fact that mari j is a vegatable with nutrients we can all use , dont get me wrong the amount of thc is limited when the child is in the belly... so once born the child then shouldnt take direct marj smoke until his brain has full developed ... only because it effects the physcoactive states of the brain and the child has to understand first reality, dreamstate, prayor and meditative staes etc... so i dont allow my children to smoke now as the concetration would be much greater than in the belly.. once my children understand the spiritual states then they are ready for direct marj smoke .... when in the belly the mom eats most of the thc while a small portion is trabsferred throught the blood to the child which is not harmfull , it is actually helpfull .... now when your child is ready to learn and understand the concepts of spirituallity then he/she can smoke.

the age depends on when you start teachings and how quick they can comprhend ..some as early as 12 and some as late as 20... but usually around 17-18


So now it is not actually the food and instead pollution.

Are you old enough to remember the dye scares of the past that resulted in people being afraid to eat M&Ms and pickle relish etc? Laboratory tests on rats showed that the dyes caused cancer. What was not revealed was it took a freight car full amount of the stuff to be dangerous and no one eats that much in a lifetime. Maybe they could if they lived to be 200 years old but since humans do not have that long of a life expectancy it is not a true danger.

I am curious, who is purposely attempting to wipe out life on the planet and who is intentionally releasing oil in an attempt to do so?

Do you realize that the amount of oil that has flowed into the Gulf of Mexico is a drop in the bucket compared to the total amount of crude oil, refined oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil, gasoline, aviation fuel and the rest of the various types of oil based products that ended up in the oceans of the world in WWII?

When did life on the planet end? Are we all now here only because we died and were reincarnated?

Mother Nature might be old and slow but she is a tidy housekeeper and she cleans up messes in time.
yeah back during ww1and 2 the popullation was half what it is now ... with the current population growth, and the peolpe who does it purposely .. i will not comment on now .. you will really think im crazy. and what nonlife form self cleans itself ...maybe only artificial intellegence whicj is also a life form created by another life form

Brick Top

New Member
your right i did miss that , that was king of funny but you make my point exactly .. the government needs religion to devide the world ... they couldnt allow the universal facts of us being from the source life and all that is made from this source life are gods .... we contribute are advancements to science and not our god given powers ... well science is the observation of how the supreme being works
You still missed or ignored or avoided my point. Religion relies on faith. Once the need for faith is removed by the existence of proven fact faith no longer exists. People do not believe in gravity or the tides or that the sun will rise in the east each morning. No they do not because those things are proven facts so people do not require faith to remain earthbound and not float away or for there to be sun each day but for religion to exist it requires a lack of proof and the existence of faith.

Which religion should be declared to be the one and only true religion? Once one is declared the Real McCoy what will the people who believe in other religions do, how will they react? If Christianity is declared the winner will Muslims accept it? If Islam is declared the winner will Christians accept it? What about the 900+ million people who believe in Hinduism, will they accept being told that the religion they believe in is false and some other religion is the real deal?

Did governments create those religions to keep a separation between the people of different nations and to control their population or did those religions come into being long before the present day governments came into being?

Your pseudo-logic has more holes in it than all the Swiss cheese in the world.

Brick Top

New Member
yeah back during ww1and 2 the popullation was half what it is now ... with the current population growth, and the peolpe who does it purposely .. i will not comment on now .. you will really think im crazy. and what nonlife form self cleans itself ...maybe only artificial intellegence whicj is also a life form created by another life form

So now you are claiming that pollution will not effect a smaller population and therefore does not present a danger as long as the population remains low but if the population rises to the levels of today death is imminent?

Again you missed or ignored and avoided my point. Far worse has been done to the oceans of the world than is happening today and Charlie Tuna did not die and life on the planet was not wiped out. Why should it be any different just because the population of the planet is larger now than in the past?

You will not comment on who is intentionally spilling the oil in an attempt to destroy all life on the planet? Why? If you know why wouldn't you share the information?

Is it the Illuminati? Is it the Disney corporation? Who is responsible?

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
You should sacrifice your child to the weed god...

Any was i think smoking heavily during pregnancy isn't good i understand if you have morning sickness and need a bong toke or two. That's completely reasonable. I mean mj has been around so long i guarantee tons of people have sparked it up while prego.

Shit, even YOU are a pot baby i bet. Your Ancestors smoked so why arent you mentally or physically fucked up?


You still missed or ignored or avoided my point. Religion relies on faith. Once the need for faith is removed by the existence of proven fact faith no longer exists. People do not believe in gravity or the tides or that the sun will rise in the east each morning. No they do not because those things are proven facts so people do not require faith to remain earthbound and not float away or for there to be sun each day but for religion to exist it requires a lack of proof and the existence of faith.

Which religion should be declared to be the one and only true religion? Once one is declared the Real McCoy what will the people who believe in other religions do, how will they react? If Christianity is declared the winner will Muslims accept it? If Islam is declared the winner will Christians accept it? What about the 900+ million people who believe in Hinduism, will they accept being told that the religion they believe in is false and some other religion is the real deal?

Did governments create those religions to keep a separation between the people of different nations and to control their population or did those religions come into being long before the present day governments came into being?

Your pseudo-logic has more holes in it than all the Swiss cheese in the world.
no the roman government started it .. the egyptians had one belief in the sun god .. and the many gods were all from the source creator .. it amazes me that archeologist still believe the egyptian believed in many gods .. whcih is true but the understood the supreme being was all gods in one all life in one .. this was changed by the white man ... who they cant tell were they originated from ... they say we all came from africa 2millions years ago but cant explain where white man came from .. well white people were cursed for replacing the sun god ra with there own images of alexander the greek .. and the ptlomeys who were infactuated with man being considered a god .. they had no real understanding of it and despite all the gangs you mentioned ( christains, muslims, hindu;s etc ... they all need the sun god ra ... there is no religion .. we all are a part of the supreme being who can do what ever they will if there will is to hurt then they are sick .. and the supreme being has the ultimate immune system. oh if you are white i still love you but you need to repent for what your anscetors did ... blashphme replacing jesus for the sun ........the sun controls time, winds, oceans, heat, light, ecosystem, weather, etc ... it can only be considered a god ,.. has more proof than any other god that has everbeen claimed by any religion .. and we can see with our own eyes this proof .... can we see any other religions proof with our own eyes no .... the bible cant find not one piece of archeological evidence for anybody in the bible not one ... where jesus grav , what about noah.. he saved the world ... mathew , mark, luke peter. no evidence for any of these people not one ........ but they can find 4thouseand year old mummies with their gold ....

religions are gangs if you dont join them they will kill you


So now you are claiming that pollution will not effect a smaller population and therefore does not present a danger as long as the population remains low but if the population rises to the levels of today death is imminent?

Again you missed or ignored and avoided my point. Far worse has been done to the oceans of the world than is happening today and Charlie Tuna did not die and life on the planet was not wiped out. Why should it be any different just because the population of the planet is larger now than in the past?

You will not comment on who is intentionally spilling the oil in an attempt to destroy all life on the planet? Why? If you know why wouldn't you share the information?

Is it the Illuminati? Is it the Disney corporation? Who is responsible?
it s obvious if popullation is greater, there has to be more danger, at whatever ... from pollution to being robbed on the streats , to being one who will suffer from hunger ..thats pure mathematics the more there are the more threats there are ... and there hasnt been pollution this great ever .. it has increased eversince the industrial revolution ... {its the alien invasion force who is terraforming the earth slowly but surely ..... period} .. i believe they some how genetically manipulated a few northern climate humans who eventually became caucasion race and they are using you to spread false logic , destruction, and disbelief of the supreme being. they also is trying to convince we can live seperate of the supremebeing ... they are attempting to create a.i. (robots ) and hope to be able to store you neuro-pathways down into a computer .. so you can live inside a robot .. while they make the earth unihabitable for humans .. so when you die an go to the spirit world in preperation for rebirth .. you cant, not to the earth anyway ... but the aliens will have these robots to continue to be enslaved ....it is the reason most alien abduction reports are primarily whiepeople ...they are tinkering with you for some reason .... or it is possible they are trying to fix the whitemans destructive logic.... look in history .,.. egypt live for 7thousand years in relative peace until .. the whiteman .. and the mixed races (arabs)(spaniards) (races who have dark skinned and white skinned people) came to envade and take over .. every since they robbed killed murder, spread disease , and pillage the earth ... they cause destruction every where they went ... and they steady try to go up in space .... the white man is the cancerous cell with in the supreme being ... that needs healing ... so in 2012 the sun god ra will burn most away who dont repent their skin will become more and more corrosive to the suns rays .. so you dont have to believe what i tell you but its in your best intrest ... the supreme being has ti ultimate immune system so dont get be a casulaty... i love you i want all to be healed