Why does everyone of facebook think they're a philosopher?


Well-Known Member
Im 18 years old and to some of my friends they wonder why i never created a facebook and honestly after creating one i think everyone on there are fools, now i understand some people actually do message friends and use it every now and then so no disrespect to anyone that this post doesnt apply to.

So anyways i see all these little teeny boppers and even alot of guys posting pictures that represent "how they feel" or some other stupid picture with quotes that pertain to life,death(mostly this one), and relationships all the time. Im talking teenagers and even alot of adults posting quotes and then all their little friends go and +1 it thinking "hmm yes that saying is very deep" and then in real life these people are fools who still play with playdoh... i mean come on, im seeing 11 yr olds posting shit about relationships and having all these emo/depressing looking pictures with a quote they found on the internet about love and death which is ridiculous.

Id like to elaborate on this some more but you just gotta see it for yourself, i personally think this is psychology 101 and that these children are seeing these quotes about things like death that have happy outcomes and giving them some false sense of security and with things like all these new types of singers like katy perry, for instance, producing songs about love and such is luring these kids in and they think the song pertains to thing, i mean has anyone actually read these lyrics and been like "wtf? this is ridiculous."

Idk, pretty stoned and fed up wih the fact my friends think they are the next socrates.
lol so true. Ive noticed this myself and it makes me sick. especially when people go on for hours talkin about shit they have no clue about trying to make themselves sound sophisticated and well versed. ugh
LMAO...thats true,specially when the girls quote marylin monroe lol...quoting the 1st white house slut,but knowing up close in person their dumb as hell.
It's got to a point where it's just let me see how many likes I can get,by posting pics,and saying dumb shit,really to me,I think it's just to renssure them that they may be important.You have a million friends on facebook,but only 4 real friends when you log off,your facebook friends want nothing to do with you in real life,it's weird to me,everybody wanna be fuckin star,and show off.
it's good for those type of ppl, and personally i am glad they do it there rather to me directly (i can ignore my sister-in-law on FB) :eyesmoke:
People are strange, When your a stranger
Faces look ugly when your alone.
Women seam wicked when your unwanted
Bla bla bla bla bla , bla bla bla bla
Once in a while, amidst the pretentious drabnle, you come across a status that is actually original, sincere and profound, which makes it all worthwhile.

The problem is with people regurgitating information they hear from sources all around them without any real understanding of it. I blame the school system, which teaches kids to plagiarise and repeat what they are told to think; this is the method of passing exams, not learning shit. It happens all the time, when someone has clearly use a thesaurus, or a word they ward on tv once in completely the wrong context to make their vocabulary seem more extensive than it actually is. Another thing that irks me is people spelling words phonetically.

My problem isn't with people trying to educate themselves it's people trying to look like they're educating themselves (or others) for the sake of image. Go ahead and Tweet some profound quote, but why not write your own or comment on what it means to you (that is if you actually know what it means) Go ahead and use that advanced vocabulary, but taking the time to actually look up tw word's spelling and/or etymology demonstrates the sort of intuitive inquisitiveness that is so often a mark of intelligence.

For some reason it's all about show and that is why noone gives a shot about the gifted kid who study quietly at the back of the class , who actually come up with something quite original and inspiring from time to time. It's easier to get the rest of the class to bolster results tables by copyin what they are told to 'observe' in the fucking study guide.

This probably has a lot of typos, so I will hit myself I advance for being a hypocrite should this post contain alot of errors.
so...let them post their "inspirational" quote messages...why does it bother you? why are thoes people your friends, obviously its on your wall feed...lol
Once in a while, amidst the pretentious drabnle, you come across a status that is actually original, sincere and profound, which makes it all worthwhile.

The problem is with people regurgitating information they hear from sources all around them without any real understanding of it. I blame the school system, which teaches kids to plagiarise and repeat what they are told to think; this is the method of passing exams, not learning shit. It happens all the time, when someone has clearly use a thesaurus, or a word they ward on tv once in completely the wrong context to make their vocabulary seem more extensive than it actually is. Another thing that irks me is people spelling words phonetically.

My problem isn't with people trying to educate themselves it's people trying to look like they're educating themselves (or others) for the sake of image. Go ahead and Tweet some profound quote, but why not write your own or comment on what it means to you (that is if you actually know what it means) Go ahead and use that advanced vocabulary, but taking the time to actually look up tw word's spelling and/or etymology demonstrates the sort of intuitive inquisitiveness that is so often a mark of intelligence.

For some reason it's all about show and that is why noone gives a shot about the gifted kid who study quietly at the back of the class , who actually come up with something quite original and inspiring from time to time. It's easier to get the rest of the class to bolster results tables by copyin what they are told to 'observe' in the fucking study guide.

This probably has a lot of typos, so I will hit myself [in] advance for being a hypocrite should this post contain alot of errors.

You have a man now. Delegate! ;) cn
The problem is with people regurgitating information they hear from sources all around them without any real understanding of it. I blame the school system, which teaches kids to plagiarise and repeat what they are told to think; this is the method of passing exams, not learning shit..

LOL That reminded me of this girl at he community college where I work. I was emptying the trash from one of the offices and the class across the hall let out, these two girls are talking about their test scores. I got an F!?!? What does "plagiarized mean!?" :clap:

I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. :lol:
LOL That reminded me of this girl at he community college where I work. I was emptying the trash from one of the offices and the class across the hall let out, these two girls are talking about their test scores. I got an F!?!? What does "plagiarized mean!?" :clap:

I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. :lol:
Hahahaha! Wow. That is great. I would have busted out laughing.

But as for Facebook. Glad to say, I never made one. Did have a myspace but that got old fast. I just got over drama and it seems thats all FB is good for. Unless of course like you said your just keeping up with relatives and such.
Yeah, I agree it is great for keeping in touch with family, and for family you don't like you can block. It's great for posting the entire album so it is only available to family for events like weddings etc. I'm pretty much cut off from my family these days but it can be great for keeping relatives updated.. or finding them! Damn I need to delete my facebook and start again, getting rid of all the old shit and creepy stalkers.
Ahh, Facebook. I jumped on that bandwagon long enough to find people I'd lost contact with and ask them for their phone number. I kept it for a few months after I got in touch with everyone because alot of the pics are funny. bUt ERvrY1 oNe tEH SYTe CO0dn"t Spl W3rTH a FkCu. I swear I started to feel dumber after reading posts from grown ass people purposely spelling everything at a preschool level. I'm considering making an entertainment page, though. It would be a place for me to share my omegle chat logs after I troll some pedophiles.

bitches be lovin' Facebook.facebook fact.jpg
Hahaha if you ask the right mod she will give you my Facebook ;) isn't she just the best ever !!

good thing I am smarter than her oh and I have hers too ;)