why does all my bud smell the same, and not like bud.


New Member
I have a small grow space with good ventilation, 400w hps light for veg and flower. I use fox farm nutes and all seems to be well through out the process, then I trim and hang to dry and then cure, but I still haven't been getting that good bud smell. what could I be doing or not doing to cause this. the bud looks good but id like to get the good smell regardless of it not affecting the high. its the principle of it. please send some advice or answers.


Active Member
maybe leaving it hang too long - and gets too dry to cure properly. hard to say. they say you need some moisture in the buds to cure them. Maybe you don't leave enough - again - hard to say.
how long did you hang them and cure them for also are you growing from clones, seeds,soil,hydro,flushing etc. it could be genetics what color is the ash turning when smoked


Active Member
You want the best smell possible?

Do whole plant dry/cures.. (just hang them for a few weeks, and then about a week longer).

Then cut/trim whatever and BAM.. you'll see a total difference.


When you cut and hang a whole plant, it actually stays alive and continues to do 'plant things' for several days (including still make terpines) . When you cut it into little pieces wet, you stop that process almost completely and the stuff you cut, can tend to smell 'hay like' when it dries..

Just one guy's story.. everyone else's own mileage may vary.. but if you haven't done a whole plant dry/cure.. you owe it to yourself.. I wont do them any other way (i'm only a plant here and there kinda guy, not commercial, so I can get away with this for my own consumption).


New Member
about four days hanging till stems would snap but not break, I grew from seed. two no names, and some royal purple kush and purple haze, they grew in soil, I didn't really flush them, I know that's bad but wasn't to clear on how to. haven't smoked yet, still curing


Active Member
id like to try that, what do you cure in?

When you do whole plant dry's, the cure is in the extra week after you think it is completely dry. You only THINK it is brittle dry, toss it in a sealed baggy for a few days, there is still plenty of moisture kicking around. It crumbles like it is dry, yet has an obvious moisture content and has no harsh dry flavors. The perfect cure.

I cut it and I bag it fairly loosely in large zip locks where it holds perfectly fine. I don't use Jars anymore excerpt long long term storage. I find the ziplock breaths just enough to hold moisture in, yet let it out a bit at the same time (little chance of mold, jars can be tricky).

I can put 'almost dry' bud in a ziplock, get called away for two weeks, come back and it is fine. I put it in a jar and go for two weeks, I will come home to big problems. Bags have worked fine for me for decades for anything to be used in a few months..


Well-Known Member
Brown paper bags work well for storage.
I store all my dried/cured bud in brown paper bags, and then put the paper bags into a large, sealable bucket.
Never had major mold issues and bud always tastes sweet.

Make sure you hang your plants in a dark, cool area. any sunlight or warmth will speed up the drying process and lock in the chlorophyl, making the buds taste like "hay".
If your new to curing I wouldnt recommend using plastic bags.Remember Maxwell has over a decade of experience curing if your buds arent completly dry your screwed my buddy lost a qp (wet) this way in white garbage bags