Why do YOU smoke Mj


Well-Known Member
i was introduced to weed when i was 7 and i came from a background where it was a deadly sin lol i dealt with issues growing up being seperated from my family till i was 18 due to a death and i smoked to just let go of reality and really truley relax. i constantly wondered if i was bad for doing it but now that i have grown up and still use it on a daily basis i have come to a conclusion with the help of some of you, pot is a herb it grows in the ground if god dident like it wouldent be around. i have yet to meet a stoner who isnt a peaceful person and seeking peace in their lives. drug, ha thats not what i call it peace in a bag. God bless smoke on


New Member
Smoking has literally changed who I am...for the better. I was very goofy, loud, obnoxious and was a generally annoying person. I just didn't care about how others felt or thought of my behavior. Through Herb i've become much more in tune with my emotions. I've become more laid back...More willing to listen and less willing to talk. It's made me more aware of the causes I hold dear, and it gives me a chance to look at my life through a different set of glasses. Some people may argue it has made me more passive. But it's made me a lot less intense, and able to think about decisions before I actually make them.

man, this is exactly how it has made me. people tell me i've changed for the worse.
i feel better now that i have found the light.


Well-Known Member
Because "when you smoke herb, it reveals you to yourself." Plus it makes me sleep like a baby. Otherwise I sleep like three, four hours a night.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
i been smoking for 12 years now... and i smoke weed for the fuck of it ..plus i play madden online better when im high...lol