Why do You smoke Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
so simple question, why do you smoke weed? This is a nice thread with no "yelling" or putting people down.

personally It's fun:mrgreen: but also I find that when I'm high It's like this shield around me that blocks all the bullshit everyone carries around with them. People all trying to live complex lives and I'm just like, whatever. Thats also why people might think I'm not as smart, because instead of thinking so hard about something to solve a problem I just come up with a simple solution. Now I'm in no way calling non-smokers dumb, It's just that most people in this world are "bissy Backsons" thats why most people say I'm like the most chill person they know cause I don't usually get mad.


Well-Known Member
i like being high i feel i am actually matured because of smoking marijuana
i have scoliosis and severe back pain but when im high the pain decreases significantly
because life is stressful and i have minor depression and i get much happier while high
these two reasons are good because i dont want to take pills they are horrible for you
also i have always had trouble sleeping at night but when i get high its easy for me to fall asleep

Orange kush

Well-Known Member
I smoke to keep a clear mind, or if im stressed i will most definatly smoke. I just like the feeling of being high:peace:.


Well-Known Member
I used to be disgusted, now I'm just amused.. that's a big part of why I smoke the herb, just to deal with random bullshit...


Active Member
music sounds wayy better! especially in my car driving at nights! sex is also great! food taste better, i don't yell at people when i'm high, when i'm sober i seem to be a very angry person, i guess it calms me down. Plus i will never go to a psychiatrist to find out i have this and that so they can prescribe me some BS pills, getting high makes me feel normal and happy with no care in the world.


Well-Known Member
Here are some good reasons not to. But I use weed to help me sleep, and it's enjoyable.

Sam: [after Dewey accidentally barges in a room filled with smoke and groupies]
Sam: Get outta here, Dewey!
Dewey Cox: What are y'all doin' in here?
Sam: We're smoking reefer and you don't want no part of this shit.
Dewey Cox: You're smoking *reefers*?
Sam: Yeah, 'course we are; can't you smell it?
Dewey Cox: No, Sam. I can't.
Girl Groupie: Come on, Dewey! Join the party!
[takes a hit off a joint]
Sam: No, Dewey, you don't want this. Get outta here!
Dewey Cox: You know what, I don't want no hangover. I can't get no hangover.
Sam: It doesn't give you a hangover!
Dewey Cox: Wha-I get addicted to it or something?
Sam: It's not habit-forming!
Dewey Cox: Oh, okay... well, I don't know... I don't want to overdose on it.
Sam: You can't OD on it!
Dewey Cox: It's not gonna make me wanna have sex, is it?
Sam: It makes sex even better!
Dewey Cox: Sounds kind of expensive.
Sam: It's the cheapest drug there is.
Dewey Cox: [at a loss and out of excuses] Hmm.
Sam: You don't want it!
Dewey Cox: I think I kinda want it.
Sam: Okay, but just this once. Come on in.


Well-Known Member
smoke cause it keeps the mood fluctuations at bay, plus im overal a better and happier person when ive had weed within 2 weeks (its been 3 weeks that i havent had any and i can honestly say im pissed/sad/horny/snappy all the time compared to never when Im high) plus its just a good recreational activity :D


Well-Known Member
I smoke to stay calm, my temper is really fuckin bad, my apartment right now has holes in the walls from my fists, i just flip for no reason or if i'm just ticked off, so weed calms me down, also, i usually never sleep, 3 hours max a night, i smoke to get to sleep too, helps me get my full 8 hours, and well i just enjoy it, it brings out the best in me and i love it


Well-Known Member
Well i try controling my anger but i can't, i was given some fucking rediculous medicine that made me depressed but was supposed to calm me down, but i just gave it up for weed, its safer and helps better, so i kinda use it medically:)


Well-Known Member
for me it makes me less hyper. brings me to the level that most people run on. and i play chess when i am high


Well-Known Member
After a long day of work most americans go home and crack a beer or something alcoholic, but then there i am, cant walk after a beer dont really care for the buzz, nevermind the vomiting, spinning, hangovers, etc... But when I roll one up when I get home I do nothing but relax, laugh, get hungry then go to sleep...... THATS IT you wake back up and go to work. No sick pukey spinning hangover. I just dont understand what the problem is?


Well-Known Member
for me it makes me less hyper. brings me to the level that most people run on. and i play chess when i am high
Thats what me and my friends do while smoking on a blunt. We usually go at it in chess. Even though ive only won a couple times out of the dozens of times. Its still something....:hump: