Uh...realtors don't build housing complexes, they broker real estate sales. A developer who chooses to place an apartment building in an area with a certain percentage of units mandated for low-income housing such as under the Section 8 program is
a.) well aware of this prior to even buying the plot of land
b.) benefiting in a number of ways from tax and other fiscal incentives for belonging to the program, and
c.) still making the same amount of money that they would from a normal renter because the federal government subsidizes the difference
I'm all for having your opinions and espousing them as you deem appropriate, but in the interest of being taken seriously by anybody with a shred of common sense and critical thinking skills, you should seriously consider doing more research on the issues you're so passionate about. You're clearly, unapologetically, and willfully ignorant as evidenced by what you've said in this thread.