Active Member
You want some shit? I'll give you some shit mahfucker. The shit was around me all through my childhood. My father stopped when he got older but my mother kept token (they were divorced). I was a latchkey kid and I knew all about my mother's habit. She'd toke with the neighbors while I was in school being indoctrinated by cops in the D.A.R.E program. I still remember the talk she had with me at the side of her bed one day. she asked me if I knew what it was and of course I confessed I did... she made me promise that I would never say anything, and of course I never did because I loved my mom and still do. I came up a fat kid with few friends, living out in the boonies with my single mom. Life sucked through most of my youth, but I am well adjusted now at 30. I don't hate anyone or blame anyone for life, because I realize that natural selection is not just a theory regarding the animal world, it governs every aspect of life and Darwin was a brilliant man indeed. Some are destined for great wealth and affluence, and I have known many people like that. Some people are simply not. I am working hard at this point in my life, still going to college, still struggling to get to the middle ground.
Why do I smoke weed? Well, it’s not like other drugs, (coke, meth, heroin, pills, etc.) and It is certainly not like alcohol. Those things are bad in my opinion, weed is not bad. I suffer no long term consequences for puffing some green, I’m never addicted, never a fiend for it. I can stop for months at a time if needed and my personality is still intact. Weed is the most harmless form on consciousness altering substance that we can use and still be "ok." Weed takes the edge of, it helps you sleep; it helps you enjoy music, movies, food, and life in general. It’s the great stress reliever to beat all others. Among other things, weed is a hobby and an utter fascination for many of us. The art of growing is why we come here to interact and we all love growing. I pour countless hours into making it just right, so I can enjoy something I love. So, for me, weed is also a labor of love. What about the laws? Firstly, Fuck the police, secondly, as a student of government, I know that laws are politically driven, many of them that is, and sometimes they have no rational purpose or the rational purpose behind a law (its intended purpose) erodes over time as the conscience of society changes. IMO the laws concerning Marijuana are unjust, and they should fall. This generation is on the cusp of watching the old guard of traditional moral values inspired by religious tightasses, lose credibility. Specifically laws concerning same sex marriage and society's general attitude towards gays and lesbians. I'm straight for that matter and I am also a liberal regarding these issues. I believe in tolerance, not just for gays and whatnot but tolerance for a whole host of other things that many of us enjoy.
I guess weed is my parent’s legacy and I have no problem with that. My father went on to run an architecture firm making thousands before he died. My mother is a registered nurse with more than 30 years of experience. Both of them have been successful and they used weed to make it through the rough spots in their lives, to bear the grind of working their way up the hill so to speak. The other legacy my parents have left me with is cigarette addiction, which sucks the happiness right out of me. Cigarettes are a true addiction if ever there was one. I have been smoking for more than 10 years now and I think about quitting all the time, one day I will. However, I will probably never quit smoking herb if I can help it. Maybe I'll live to see the laws struck down, who know.
If anyone here feels guilty about smoking weed or growing it, don't. Don't waste your brain energy feeling bad about something that, politicians and government have spent years telling you is bad. Weed is not bad. Think about the happiness its has brought you and support the cause to end prohibition. I'm out.
Why do I smoke weed? Well, it’s not like other drugs, (coke, meth, heroin, pills, etc.) and It is certainly not like alcohol. Those things are bad in my opinion, weed is not bad. I suffer no long term consequences for puffing some green, I’m never addicted, never a fiend for it. I can stop for months at a time if needed and my personality is still intact. Weed is the most harmless form on consciousness altering substance that we can use and still be "ok." Weed takes the edge of, it helps you sleep; it helps you enjoy music, movies, food, and life in general. It’s the great stress reliever to beat all others. Among other things, weed is a hobby and an utter fascination for many of us. The art of growing is why we come here to interact and we all love growing. I pour countless hours into making it just right, so I can enjoy something I love. So, for me, weed is also a labor of love. What about the laws? Firstly, Fuck the police, secondly, as a student of government, I know that laws are politically driven, many of them that is, and sometimes they have no rational purpose or the rational purpose behind a law (its intended purpose) erodes over time as the conscience of society changes. IMO the laws concerning Marijuana are unjust, and they should fall. This generation is on the cusp of watching the old guard of traditional moral values inspired by religious tightasses, lose credibility. Specifically laws concerning same sex marriage and society's general attitude towards gays and lesbians. I'm straight for that matter and I am also a liberal regarding these issues. I believe in tolerance, not just for gays and whatnot but tolerance for a whole host of other things that many of us enjoy.
I guess weed is my parent’s legacy and I have no problem with that. My father went on to run an architecture firm making thousands before he died. My mother is a registered nurse with more than 30 years of experience. Both of them have been successful and they used weed to make it through the rough spots in their lives, to bear the grind of working their way up the hill so to speak. The other legacy my parents have left me with is cigarette addiction, which sucks the happiness right out of me. Cigarettes are a true addiction if ever there was one. I have been smoking for more than 10 years now and I think about quitting all the time, one day I will. However, I will probably never quit smoking herb if I can help it. Maybe I'll live to see the laws struck down, who know.
If anyone here feels guilty about smoking weed or growing it, don't. Don't waste your brain energy feeling bad about something that, politicians and government have spent years telling you is bad. Weed is not bad. Think about the happiness its has brought you and support the cause to end prohibition. I'm out.