Why do we keep caring so much about who is president?


Well-Known Member
Why is it that I see so much concern about presidential elections, but not a word about congressional elections? The legislative branch has the power to amend the constitution, ratify treaties, override presidential veto, make the budget, LEGALIZE MARIJUANA, etc. The executive branch has what? Veto? Pretty much everything the president does must be approved by, or can be canceled out by, some sort of congressional action. The "founding fathers" never wanted the general population to elect the president, hence the electoral college. The supreme court is the only branch with more power. The president appoints justices, but the senate has to approve that too.

Think about it for a second... Though they didn't declare war in the formal sense, congress did approve the military activities in Iraq and Afghanistan.(For you people that just blame Bush for that.) Congress had to approve every bailout that happened. Congress also approved our actions in Libya.(For you people that just blame Obama for that.) These are just a few of the examples that come immediately to mind. I'm only 24, and have only recently taken a real interest in such things, so maybe I'm missing something. But I have to ask: Why don't I see nearly as much (if any) debate about congressional elections, compared to the presidential elections?


Well-Known Member
maybe because Congress doesnt have veto power?
They have "Override the veto-power" instead. A 2/3 majority overrides a presidential veto. Excepting the lucky timing of a pocket veto, congress still has the greater power there. Did you just read the title, and then go straight to posting? I mention congress' power to override a veto in the first few sentences of my post.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Why is it that I see so much concern about presidential elections, but not a word about congressional elections? The legislative branch has the power to amend the constitution, ratify treaties, override presidential veto, make the budget, LEGALIZE MARIJUANA, etc. The executive branch has what? Veto? Pretty much everything the president does must be approved by, or can be canceled out by, some sort of congressional action. The "founding fathers" never wanted the general population to elect the president, hence the electoral college. The supreme court is the only branch with more power. The president appoints justices, but the senate has to approve that too.

Think about it for a second... Though they didn't declare war in the formal sense, congress did approve the military activities in Iraq and Afghanistan.(For you people that just blame Bush for that.) Congress had to approve every bailout that happened. Congress also approved our actions in Libya.(For you people that just blame Obama for that.) These are just a few of the examples that come immediately to mind. I'm only 24, and have only recently taken a real interest in such things, so maybe I'm missing something. But I have to ask: Why don't I see nearly as much (if any) debate about congressional elections, compared to the presidential elections?
Good post. Maybe because the Presidential election is nothing more than a beauty contest. There is never any serious discussion of real issues, it's just a popularity race.
While congressional races are a local and most people don't even know who the congressman is or what kind of voting record he/she has.
I think it's the mob mentality. Most people feel more comfortable when they are part of the mob, the bigger the mob, the better.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
They have "Override the veto-power" instead. A 2/3 majority overrides a presidential veto. Excepting the lucky timing of a pocket veto, congress still has the greater power there. Did you just read the title, and then go straight to posting? I mention congress' power to override a veto in the first few sentences of my post.
Don't mind him, he is more interested in perpetuating the left vs right myth. Hell, he can't even decide whether to stay or leave this site.


Well-Known Member
Good post. Maybe because the Presidential election is nothing more than a beauty contest. There is never any serious discussion of real issues, it's just a popularity race.
While congressional races are a local and most people don't even know who the congressman is or what kind of voting record he/she has.
I think it's the mob mentality. Most people feel more comfortable when they are part of the mob, the bigger the mob, the better.
I'll admit, this hasn't been something that has really gotten my attention until recently. There does seem to be merit to what you're saying though. People do like the comfort of large approving groups. It's concerning though, the more that I think about it. He who controls congress essentially runs this country. Imagine if people actually gathered enough interest to vote in representatives that served the public interest more effectively. I know it's wishful thinking, but still.


Well-Known Member
Because Obama is greatest president USA has ever had.
People are jealous of Obama and are very mad he is so great so they trying to not have him win again but he will win.
Obama does many great things.
I don't see what this has to do with my original post. Could you make the connection for me please? I'm not getting it.


Well-Known Member
Congress doesn't run country the Jews run the country they own congress and the military runs the world and they don't work for congress they working for UN or Nato or China they even say so.
Oh god, you're one of them... Conspiracy-theorist/troll avoidance button, engage!


Well-Known Member
???lmao the jews? are you fucken kidding me? wow ignorance is truly bliss! highly racist comment that is not needed here!

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I'll admit, this hasn't been something that has really gotten my attention until recently. There does seem to be merit to what you're saying though. People do like the comfort of large approving groups. It's concerning though, the more that I think about it. He who controls congress essentially runs this country. Imagine if people actually gathered enough interest to vote in representatives that served the public interest more effectively. I know it's wishful thinking, but still.
Congressional contests force voters to examine the issues. Issues that are important to that district, as well as the country. Most people don't want to have to be burdened with looking into such issues to decide what is right, they would rather ignore the congress and vote for their favorite American Idol.


Well-Known Member
No one care about congress because they see president on TV all the time and President is only one there is many Congress so President matters. President has the power President can legalize but he won't he can make executive order and legalize but it is more power and control for his company to have illegal so his company won't let him legalize. People don't care about congress because the president gets all the attention and people are to busy to learn they only know what TV tell them and that's President.
The president (unless you have something to convince me otherwise.), cannot sign an executive order that violates a federal law. An executive order is generally used to clarify how the president feels the law should be enforced. Hence why obama signed an executive order telling immigration how to deal with illegals, instead of just making their presence legal.


Well-Known Member
Congressional contests force voters to examine the issues. Issues that are important to that district, as well as the country. Most people don't want to have to be burdened with looking into such issues to decide what is right, they would rather ignore the congress and vote for their favorite American Idol.
And yet, people bitch that the government doesn't reflect their ideals. The irony is not lost on me...


Active Member
Because Obama is greatest president USA has ever had.
People are jealous of Obama and are very mad he is so great so they trying to not have him win again but he will win.
Obama does many great things.
What great things has Obama done? What accomplishments can you attribute to that man?
For that matter, what great things did congress do?
The Democratic Party is corrupt. Their leadership is bought and paid for by the ultra super rich. Not one good thing can be laid at their feet.
The republican party is just as corrupt. They are bought out by the same people that own the Dems. Just look at the major contributors. The same for both parties.
The two party system is broken. It's bad for America, and its tragic for the world.
The constitution upon which this great nation was founded, has been systematicly dismantled piece by piece for decades and we only have ourselves to blame. Why? Because we allowed them to do it.
Shame on those too lazy to keep a closer eye on these greedy politicians. Those corrupt men and women who have sold our nations constitution to the highest bidder. I am ashamed of the way the media has turned a blind eye to the unconstitutional laws passed, and the unconstitutional powers granted to the federal government.
What sickens me more, is your blind, ignorant, faith in a man who has turned this country into a wealfare state. Why? I want to know what this man did to earn your respect. Bush was no better, and no worse.
It's time to vote third party. It's time to take the reigns of power away from these criminals.
Gary Johnson for POTUS!!

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
pen47tx Obama is first immigrant to become President that alone is a major accomplishment he deserves credit for. He is black and again that is accomplishment to be able to be President of USA while being black. His greatest achievements are invading Africa which he deserve major credit for and now he is helping Syria to bomb Turkey and it is about time we bomb Turkey the Turks deserve it. He arming and supporting rebel in Syria and they attacking Turkey Obama is greatest. He also give illegal immigrants permission to stay in country. He expand our power with drones around the world and cameras and satilites everywhere to watch listen and attack making USA #1 most powerful in world. Obama is the most powerful great leader.
Sock puppet!