why do they have to stink so much!!!!


Well-Known Member
haha thats the thing. he says, "it sets his nose on fire"..so thats outta the picture

But periodically i do spray some axe in my closet to cover the smell temporarily


This is a pretty cool little ozone generator they are cute too...LOL...good for your bedroom grow.

here's a link it's the second one from the top and they are only $80 bux..:joint:

Discount Hydroponics - Odor Control

and right below it you will see TimeMist Dispenser Kits, they dispense ozium at timed intervals, cheaper and maby better for what you need...hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
I second the dryer sheets th3bigbad recommended. Anything like that you might be able to steal out of the laundry room. And clean your room anyways!


Well-Known Member
that little thing is $80 i think I will pass on that and find a way to get something better for a fraction of that cost.


Well-Known Member
i have not tried thes personally but charcoal will clean the air so if you are creative you could go to a pet store that specializes in aquariums i use buy a 25lb bag or carbon(charcoal) for like 20 bucks .........im thinkng a piece of posterboardrolled into a funnel maybe 5 inches diameter at one end a 2 liter bottle ends cut off full of charcoal and filters and some duct tape very very crude but hell cheap and it would work....and the added bonus of being able to show your buddies and say i made this ......lol


Active Member
Dryer sheets are the way to go for something that small, when we used to smoke inside we would use a TP roll with dryer sheets stuffed inside and blow the smoke through it, you couldn't smell anything... Its worth a try.. They sell dryer sheets at the dollar tree


Active Member
In the Cub Scouts of America, Webelos is the last rank a kid obtains before they become a boy scout. The red,green checkered neckerchief you have is a indicator of this as well as the cub scout shirt (in the pic). Unless you bought the cub scout stuff at salvation army then you might be one. That is all I am saying.


Well-Known Member
In the Cub Scouts of America, Webelos is the last rank a kid obtains before they become a boy scout. The red,green checkered neckerchief you have is a indicator of this as well as the cub scout shirt (in the pic). Unless you bought the cub scout stuff at salvation army then you might be one. That is all I am saying.

thats eagle scout to you sir! :mrgreen:


Active Member
first, never (NEVER) ever make a vent going to the outside world thats poison for u and ur plants unless u wanna stop growing becuase cops fly over in helis and scope out suspicius heat waves nevertheless id say tell ur dad the house stinks then start burning incents O U T S I D E O F Y O U R R O O M u dont wanta kill ur precios crop right
basicly your covering a SMELL with another smell therefor ur dad wont smell nothin


Well-Known Member
In the Cub Scouts of America, Webelos is the last rank a kid obtains before they become a boy scout. The red,green checkered neckerchief you have is a indicator of this as well as the cub scout shirt (in the pic). Unless you bought the cub scout stuff at salvation army then you might be one. That is all I am saying.
Oh yeah lol. That was back in like 1st grade hahaha

god the ol' days..