Why do some people trim before harvest?


Well-Known Member
I noticed something interesting but never really found any back story on why people do this. so basically close to harvest and i see some people will trim all the big fan leaves off and then continue to grow the plant for about 1-2 more days before chopping fully to dry.

what exactly serves the purpose of this?

they have there lights on 12/12 for those remaning days as well i know some like to turn the lights of and claim it gets frosty ( to each their own on that topic ).


Well-Known Member
I noticed something interesting but never really found any back story on why people do this. so basically close to harvest and i see some people will trim all the big fan leaves off and then continue to grow the plant for about 1-2 more days before chopping fully to dry.

what exactly serves the purpose of this?

they have there lights on 12/12 for those remaning days as well i know some like to turn the lights of and claim it gets frosty ( to each their own on that topic ).
I think it mostly comes down to just being easier to go ahead and chop those off before they droop down after starting to dry. Some defoliation is good for getting the light down to lower flowers, but just a few days before chop it doesn't really do much of anything good or bad in my opinion that I've seen. Two days away from harvest it's too late for much to change... It's just to make things easier.


Well-Known Member
I think it mostly comes down to just being easier to go ahead and chop those off before they droop down after starting to dry. Some defoliation is good for getting the light down to lower flowers, but just a few days before chop it doesn't really do much of anything good or bad in my opinion that I've seen. Two days away from harvest it's too late for much to change... It's just to make things easier.
yea i was thinking that as well but i see majority of people they leave the plants as is then defoliate after chopping. that is if they do defoliate some dont to slow down the drying process and just hang whole. it's interesting


Well-Known Member
yea i was thinking that as well but i see majority of people they leave the plants as is then defoliate after chopping. that is if they do defoliate some dont to slow down the drying process and just hang whole. it's interesting
Yeah, what I usually do is I wait until I chop and then just take the fan leaves at the same time and leave the rest. I like the way the little leaves sugar leaves curl around the bottom of the nugs. Protects the trichs... Then just dry trim it later etc...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, what I usually do is I wait until I chop and then just take the fan leaves at the same time and leave the rest. I like the way the little leaves sugar leaves curl around the bottom of the nugs. Protects the trichs... Then just dry trim it later etc...
i was thinking by doing so maybe they would grow bigger nugs due to light exposure so i've read but people typically don't state when they defoliate most videos i see just have um trimmed maybe around the last week until they harvest. i ended up trimming mine just to see what would happen


Well-Known Member
i was thinking by doing so maybe they would grow bigger nugs due to light exposure so i've read but people typically don't state when they defoliate most videos i see just have um trimmed maybe around the last week until they harvest. i ended up trimming mine just to see what would happen
If you're indoor and have a extra leafy strain, then cutting a few fan leaves here or there won't hurt up through like week three or so flower, depending on the strain of course. Especially to get an even canopy, I will take strategic leaves off up to this point usually all the time combined with low and high stress training... I've read that after that point it can change hormones or something to that effect, someone with more experience than me would know that ha... But then again, I'll also take off fan leaves in late flower too sometimes if it's looking kinda bad or whatever...


Well-Known Member
If you're indoor and have a extra leafy strain, then cutting a few fan leaves here or there won't hurt up through like week three or so flower, depending on the strain of course. Especially to get an even canopy, I will take strategic leaves off up to this point usually all the time combined with low and high stress training... I've read that after that point it can change hormones or something to that effect, someone with more experience than me would know that ha... But then again, I'll also take off fan leaves in late flower too sometimes if it's looking kinda bad or whatever...
yea i read that too. i actually took of majority of the fan leaves off 2 of my plants they are close to finishing/pretty much finished i believe but just seeing what happens and deciding if i want to harvest today/soon or not. kinda holding back just incase i want that flavor and weight but at the same time it's like i doubt i will get any noticeable weight at this point and flavor wise i think they will actually be okay if i cure properly.


Well-Known Member
Look up Senescence in horticulture, cannabis specific if you fancy that more, its an interesting topic that should answer your question.


Well-Known Member
i do this, i do it because i find it labour intensive to do it all in one shot. since i do it alone. i also dont own a machine or tumbler to automatically trim the buds. i do it by hand. i'll go in the room and trim every leaf off that doesnt have any crystal on it and toss it. after all the plants in the room are like this i'll begin actually trimming and hanging the branches all the trim i get when hanging the branches i keep and dry and use to make edibles.


Well-Known Member
It just saves a little time off of “ cleanup “ ..... I do it at harvest then leave plant to dry out in pot.
This a Hempy and I just cut it after bucket is light. Then finish another trimming and hang.



Well-Known Member
nice yea i figured it might be to save time but i didn't know if there was any actual significance to doing that. i read something weird but idk if it's bro science or what. apparently cutting the stem and inserting like a pencil or w.e. makes them produce more trichomes. never tried it but it's something weird that i don't see many people doing. think the stress from splitting the stalk is what causes it if at all.


Well-Known Member
Hippy myths abound .......Boiling roots ... driving a spike into stem .... pissing on them .
Waving a dead chicken over them .... farting on buds .... ice water shock.

And about a thousand more ridiculous “ tips “.
lol yea i boiled my roots im sure but not intentionally. i run rain water outside but the bins are in the sun so they get super hot. pretty sure it fucks up my plants. if it's early in the morning the water is cold but afternoon when i used to water the water temps are around 84-86 at least.


Well-Known Member
Now I have heard you can boil those roots and make a nice pain relieving tea, but never tried it... :)

Mellow old School

Well-Known Member
Well by doing that, the bottom buds get more lights towards the end, mind you, not just 1-2 days, but more like a week or 2, some harvest the top buds and then do the trim of fanleaves afterwards...