Well-Known Member
Allahu akbaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr
guys will curing make weed less harsh with better smell or it doesnt really do anything
Allahu akbaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr
guys will curing make weed less harsh with better smell or it doesnt really do anything
...i think im gonna stick to cfl ...
Allahu akbaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr
Thats one scary vagina
Thats one scary vagina
guys do electrolytes really help plants, do i need water?
We have to extinct people with such beliefs as jihadism and islamism wether they are white or black...
Is this racism??? maybe...but when they dream a society where you can kill gay people calling them unbelievers and rape women believing its something less than a man..yah i want them out of "my" world...
I want to say that racism doesnt really emanate from the difference of the skin color...
and we see now how this past action has ruined your life. A 12-13 year old should not be having sexual relations with an adult. We have laws against that very thing for a reason. Would you approve of a 31 year old teacher having sex with you grandson when he turns 12. Having him to eat her out and using him ?
according to rob, just making the decision on whether you want to be private or public is totally rape and slavery and now you are a slave who has been raped.
do you agree with rob roy's analysis on that one?
How do you feel about same-sex marriage?
I am pretty confused about adoptions by gay couples though
It doesn't. You are an ignorant homophobe.but i dont know how it would affect the sexual orientation of a child