Why do smokers marry people who don't approve of their usage?


Well-Known Member
If they have to hear 'I Love you' to Fukk ya, then they for sure don't love ya....
And, ahhhhh fukk um...


Well-Known Member
I'd have to reverse the question, why do non smokers marry smokers then try to make the smoker quit?


Active Member
I ponder this all the time. I usually stop at "why do smokers date non-smokers?" I have never dated a woman who doesn't smoke. Anyways, I think the answer lies somewhere in the taboo-ness of the ganja. For some people it's not exactly a flag to be waved all the time, and early in a relationship/with new people you're meeting (who aren't currently holding a joint) is one of the times that you might be a little less outspoken about your stonerdom. Then, by the time it comes up or you feel comfortable discussing it you've invested time with this person (maybe fallen in "love") and it seems sort of trivial to both parties. I think a lot of nagging (square) wives probably started out with the best of intentions and later realized that they are more irritated by their silly, hungry, sometimes lazy, ridiculous internet browsing, incessant guitar playing significant other than they had anticipated.

At any rate, folks, I'm not fucking Dr Drew, or even Adam Corolla, I'm just a stoner with a keyboard and some time on my hands. I think everyone would be a lot happier in their relationships if they expected a little less of each other and go with the flow. When that flow starts to interfere with your own flow, don't swim upstream!


Well-Known Member
I ponder this all the time. I usually stop at "why do smokers date non-smokers?" I have never dated a woman who doesn't smoke. Anyways, I think the answer lies somewhere in the taboo-ness of the ganja. For some people it's not exactly a flag to be waved all the time, and early in a relationship/with new people you're meeting (who aren't currently holding a joint) is one of the times that you might be a little less outspoken about your stonerdom. Then, by the time it comes up or you feel comfortable discussing it you've invested time with this person (maybe fallen in "love") and it seems sort of trivial to both parties. I think a lot of nagging (square) wives probably started out with the best of intentions and later realized that they are more irritated by their silly, hungry, sometimes lazy, ridiculous internet browsing, incessant guitar playing significant other than they had anticipated.

At any rate, folks, I'm not fucking Dr Drew, or even Adam Corolla, I'm just a stoner with a keyboard and some time on my hands. I think everyone would be a lot happier in their relationships if they expected a little less of each other and go with the flow. When that flow starts to interfere with your own flow, don't swim upstream!
Sounds like you slept at a Holiday Inn last night!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't know the answer to this question as my girl grows and smokes pot so I guess I don't have to try to stop smoking. :D


I'll never understand a stoner dating a non smoker. Your only options are to quit smoking or convince the other person to start smoking. Otherwise you end up sneaking around and getting high in uncomfortable places instead of safe at home. I have never dated someome who did not indulge in my favovire medicine and can't imagine getting that close to anyone who did not. Luckily my husband of 20+ years shares my sentiments.


Well-Known Member
I'll never understand a stoner dating a non smoker. Your only options are to quit smoking or convince the other person to start smoking. Otherwise you end up sneaking around and getting high in uncomfortable places instead of safe at home. I have never dated someome who did not indulge in my favovire medicine and can't imagine getting that close to anyone who did not. Luckily my husband of 20+ years shares my sentiments.
welcome sally, yay another girl :eyesmoke:


Pickle Queen
I once smoked a bong while chatting via skype with this guy I met on POF, the next day when we hung out I asked if he wanted to smoke a joint, he looked at me extremely offended and said " U never said u did drugs" rflmao true story ;)
I am prepared to be flamed, but here it goes:

I hide my smoking from my wife; I know I could tell her and it would all be koscher, but I decide not to for the following reason: When we first met in college, I was a 24/7 smoker and was dedicated to stay that way. She smoked with me a few times but just never understood it, she treated it more like being stupid drunk and did not know how to just relax and let it be. No problems until about 4 years later when I started job hunting and we were getting more serious. I graduated college with a huge burden to pay off due to Sallie Mae - majored in engineering and knew that if I could get a job, I would have no problem providing for us and pay down my loans. Had an interview with a global engineering company and passed the application process with flying colors - I was set to be making serious money until about a week later when they said, you will start on "xx/xx/xxxx" but we will need you to take a pre-employment physical prior; report to the testing facility in two days (or something along those lines). Our imaginary life we were dreaming up was shot to shit and we were in rough waters for a few days due to it. Of course I failed the drug screening and the offer was revoked. I had a big boy moment and decided that I was done smoking and made a promise to my wife (then girlfiend) that I would never let something like that happen to us again. After about 6 months I got a sweet job offer at a smaller firm where I am today. I am not drug tested - they base merit on performance here; the way it should be.

Regardless, I went about two years without smoking after that incident until my old school smoking buddy offered it one night we were hanging out. I said what the hell and immediately remembered why I smoked so often growing up. Now I maybe smoke once or twice a month when I have a free evening and use it to help me digest all the life events that build up inbetween sessions. As for not telling the wife, I do not have a good reason. Sure I could smoke on my couch and hangout with my guitar like the old days, but I do not want her to worry that I will revert to my old ways like when we met. I would rather go out to my spot and take a few pokes and contemplate life in peace and not worry about what she is thinking. I love her to much to have her worry....

As for the people who may think that I should find a chick that approves of what I do, I will make a preemptive comment that you do not know what my wife and I have. We have been through hell and back only to come out stronger than I could ever imagine. Maybe I am the fool for smoking behind her back, but if it keeps me away from the liquor every night, then hell....what is the real harm?

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
As for the people who may think that I should find a chick that approves of what I do, I will make a preemptive comment that you do not know what my wife and I have. We have been through hell and back only to come out stronger than I could ever imagine. Maybe I am the fool for smoking behind her back, but if it keeps me away from the liquor every night, then hell....what is the real harm?
I can't wait for the intervention special.


Well-Known Member
I am prepared to be flamed, but here it goes:

I hide my smoking from my wife; I know I could tell her and it would all be koscher, but I decide not to for the following reason: When we first met in college, I was a 24/7 smoker and was dedicated to stay that way. She smoked with me a few times but just never understood it, she treated it more like being stupid drunk and did not know how to just relax and let it be. No problems until about 4 years later when I started job hunting and we were getting more serious. I graduated college with a huge burden to pay off due to Sallie Mae - majored in engineering and knew that if I could get a job, I would have no problem providing for us and pay down my loans. Had an interview with a global engineering company and passed the application process with flying colors - I was set to be making serious money until about a week later when they said, you will start on "xx/xx/xxxx" but we will need you to take a pre-employment physical prior; report to the testing facility in two days (or something along those lines). Our imaginary life we were dreaming up was shot to shit and we were in rough waters for a few days due to it. Of course I failed the drug screening and the offer was revoked. I had a big boy moment and decided that I was done smoking and made a promise to my wife (then girlfiend) that I would never let something like that happen to us again. After about 6 months I got a sweet job offer at a smaller firm where I am today. I am not drug tested - they base merit on performance here; the way it should be.

Regardless, I went about two years without smoking after that incident until my old school smoking buddy offered it one night we were hanging out. I said what the hell and immediately remembered why I smoked so often growing up. Now I maybe smoke once or twice a month when I have a free evening and use it to help me digest all the life events that build up inbetween sessions. As for not telling the wife, I do not have a good reason. Sure I could smoke on my couch and hangout with my guitar like the old days, but I do not want her to worry that I will revert to my old ways like when we met. I would rather go out to my spot and take a few pokes and contemplate life in peace and not worry about what she is thinking. I love her to much to have her worry....

As for the people who may think that I should find a chick that approves of what I do, I will make a preemptive comment that you do not know what my wife and I have. We have been through hell and back only to come out stronger than I could ever imagine. Maybe I am the fool for smoking behind her back, but if it keeps me away from the liquor every night, then hell....what is the real harm?
nothing wrong with that imo except there is deception and i'm sure that gives you some internal grumbling. she sounds like a nice woman. if you explained it to her just the way you did to us, i would think she would see it as reasonable. or maybe not. :eyesmoke: