Why do shares in gun companies rise after mass shootings?

Don't you want to ban abortion even though banning stuff doesn't work?

no never said I wanted to ban anything. my feelings are everyone should be equal and free to do what they like as long as it doesn't hurt others or infringe on someone else right to be equal and free.
(second hand smoke hurts others but don't ban tobacco just limit where to use. someone wants to eat till there nice and fat fine, just don't feed your kids the same way cause that hurts them.)
no never said I wanted to ban anything. my feelings are everyone should be equal and free to do what they like as long as it doesn't hurt others or infringe on someone else right to be equal and free.
(second hand smoke hurts others but don't ban tobacco just limit where to use. someone wants to eat till there nice and fat fine, just don't feed your kids the same way cause that hurts them.)
So you want women to murder little babies for convenience?
I've never met you in person or talked to you on the phone so I obviously wasn't shouting. More lies from the weak leftist ANTIFA supporter...
So you're a fascist supporter ? Makes sense given that you call jewish people kikes.
I'm a freedom supporter ANTIFA are Communists just as bad as a fascist, but will work for the beginning of the second American revolution.

Anti-fascist means against fascism and for freedom.

But not the freedom to be a pedophile like you are.
Anti-fascist means against fascism and for freedom.

But not the freedom to be a pedophile like you are.
Trump supporters are not fascist. November 4rth they plan to throw our democratically elected president out of office. They will not succeed but they will spark the revolution.
Trump supporters are not fascist. November 4rth they plan to throw our democratically elected president out of office. They will not succeed but they will spark the revolution.
ANTIFA is actually Communists they do not support freedom they support Marxism they even said liberals are not safe. :)
Trump supporters are fascist nazis and you are a pussy who fears college kids that oppose fascism.
