Well-Known Member
What's funny about that statement is I hear far more democrats calling for republican deaths than Republicans publicly calling out for democrats deaths. Heck just look at this site..

What's funny about that statement is I hear far more democrats calling for republican deaths than Republicans publicly calling out for democrats deaths. Heck just look at this site..
I would point out that people talking about politics are the ones most likely to be out in their communities trying to make that change, whatever that change may be.Explain = how you people smoke an entheogen and still engage this shit instead of actually doing something beneficial like swaying your local community.
Change is a bacterial infection, sometimes a localized wound is all it takes for growth.
I'm a multi-tasker. Sometimes I "smoke an entheogen" and post "this shit" while attempting to sway my local community. I knocked on so many doors, sent emails and made so many phone calls between 2015-2021 that I have permanent callouses on my knuckles, carpal tunnel and a cauliflower ear.Explain = how you people smoke an entheogen and still engage this shit instead of actually doing something beneficial like swaying your local community.
Change is a bacterial infection, sometimes a localized wound is all it takes for growth.
no, you explain what we should have in the place of democracy.You smoke an entheogen and can't see past the fact that democracy is an illusion. . . Having a choice is an illusion. . .
They have literally shat in your laps for decades and you let them.
But who man? Who's shit is this?I'm just the right type of medicated. That made my day
Keep doing it, working and organizing, that's how you win this civil war, instead of being it's victim, along with your country. Anybody who supports Trump is a POS, a fool or is insane and they are a bigger POS with every passing day and new revelation.I'm a multi-tasker. Sometimes I "smoke an entheogen" and post "this shit" while attempting to sway my local community. I knocked on so many doors, sent emails and made so many phone calls between 2015-2021 that I have permanent callouses on my knuckles, carpal tunnel and a cauliflower ear.
The war of left and right has been won to a certain extent, at least ideologically and the right knows it needs to cheat to win in America. They also need to brainwash a significant portion of the population with bullshit culture wars and fake issues that appeal to their fear and native bigotry. They even need their own communications infrastructure to create and push an alternate view of reality, that is becoming more and more detached from reality. They have to rig the elections and cheat to win, not empty rhetoric like Trump, but backed up by their actions and facts. This means they are losing the generational fight for hearts and minds and know it, they need minority rule now more than ever.Man, you have no idea how glad I am it's such a clear distinction. Not sure I buy into the groupings, but yeah, it's pretty black and white in terms of understanding the good vs bad. Sorta sucks though, normally I'm over where lucky Luke is, not a big fan of American exceptionalism and its weird connotations and spins on history, but, nope, not now in this current situation. It is an us vs them scenario, maybe I can win some over to the further left with my commie stew, but at the end of the day I just want to make my view more appealing within the broad context of people that say fuck off to conservative shit.
I'm a multi-tasker. Sometimes I "smoke an entheogen" and post "this shit" while attempting to sway my local community. I knocked on so many doors, sent emails and made so many phone calls between 2015-2021 that I have permanent callouses on my knuckles, carpal tunnel and a cauliflower ear.
no, you explain what we should have in the place of democracy.
give us a much better alternative...or even a slightly better alternative.
people do have a choice...there are two parties, one is about repressing peoples freedoms, and moving the country back to a time when women and minorities had little to no say in their own lives. the other party is trying to build a social safety net, rebuild the infrastructure of the country, protect the environment, guarantee the voting rights of all citizens, and put stricter gun control laws in place...that is a choice, and it should be an obvious one.
but, a certain percentage of the population is going to support people that have views that are unpopular with the majority, no matter what system you adopt, and those people with unpopular opinions will cause trouble, no matter what system you adopt.
we have let the governments relationship with business go uncontrolled for far too long, that is the one thing you got right, and that needs to be corrected, as soon as possible.
and consuming entheogens doesn't automatically grant any kind of enlightenment, altering your perception of reality doesn't grant you any kind of special insight into the workings of the world...most people can't even grasp the insights it grants you into your own personality. some people are not capable of being enlightened, no matter what they consume.
Shorter term, I think getting a solid majority and sorting issues out during the primary is the way to go. America is kinda wonky, our big hurdle is getting to where the vote represents the population.The war of left and right has been won to a certain extent, at least ideologically and the right knows it needs to cheat to win in America. They also need to brainwash a significant portion of the population with bullshit culture wars and fake issues that appeal to their fear and native bigotry. They even need their own communications infrastructure to create and push an alternate view of reality, that is becoming more and more detached from reality. They have to rig the elections and cheat to win, not empty rhetoric like Trump, but backed up by their actions and facts. This means they are losing the generational fight for hearts and minds and know it, they need minority rule now more than ever.
In Canada 2/3s of the electorate vote center left or left and if the Liberals, Greens and NDP didn't split the vote, there would be more seats in parliament that lean left, one way or another.
look up the term "confirmation bias"What's funny about that statement is I hear far more democrats calling for republican deaths than Republicans publicly calling out for democrats deaths. Heck just look at this site..
"My kind" get out of here with that know nothing about me or my political leanings... way to jump to conclusions though... typical American drivel supporting your party blindly while regurgitating propaganda.look up the term "confirmation bias"
Who said
“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks, although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
Most likely you don't hear Republicans calling for deaths of people who disagree with them is because violence and murder are just part of your kind's every day language. When a Democrat talks like that, it's shocking because we rarely go as low as your kind do.
Speaking of which:
View attachment 5149359
This is where your kind falsely claims that was put up by Antifa.
You make it all so complicated.An ACTUAL democracy would be nice. Not a fucking ruse.
And you're obviously very accurate, not everyone will use an entheogen and be enlightened. You have to actually seek enlightenment. It takes more effort than clicking on the TV. Most people avoid it.
Your kind are slavering gun toting murderous fascists. But some, I assume, are good people."My kind" get out of here with that know nothing about me or my political leanings... way to jump to conclusions though... typical American drivel supporting your party blindly while regurgitating propaganda.
Again with the your kind bullshit... lame dude just lame...Your kind are slavering gun toting murderous fascists. But some, I assume, are good people.
Again with the your kind bullshit... lame dude just lame...
If I'm a fascist then you're a nazi.translation: "I don't like Trump, but I'll ramble on and on reciting the propaganda his party creates for fascists like me".