why do people snort xanax?

Xanax tastes like shit!! I'd rather chew on some Valium they actually are kinda sweet tasting. I seen a guy on 1000 ways to die! Rectally drink a bottle of brandy and soon died of alcohol poisoning ! Amazing what some people will do.
its an aquired taste.
like the lovely almost valerian smelling propoxyphene.

suboxone prettu tasty
better than most opiates even without the apap

ill munch on bars by the handful like wild rice. and yes a good way to tell if they are pressies

i cant chew adderall though, i know a couple people that love it

to each there own

Got a bit of blow from a fellow devotee.

I tasted it and it had a very distinct fruity flavor to it. More than bubble gum, an etherial mix of fragrant mint and citrus.

I pointed it out and he laughed at me, claiming I was such a hauty snob about all things, cheese,wine, cigars, , that I had let my snooty imagination run wild.

But I put some other next to his and said


The next:

"Menin baby powder"

And another

"Dirty socks"

After he agreed I had him taste his own.

His eyes got wide and he said

"Shit, I taste it, did someone cut this with candy?"

Now he is circulating his new found taste and discovery to all his friends.

I just texted him telling him that he has always been a lot snob what with all the cheese, camp fire girls thin mint, cherry. And spice strains.


pic aint the greatest but was some very good cocaine lab tested buy wedinos, came back major cocaine nowt else no levisimole, benzocane, lindocaine just a major for coke, was lovely stuff real rocket fuel. small piece on the left i washed and lost very litlle.

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pic aint the greatest but was some very good cocaine lab tested buy wedinos, came back major cocaine nowt else no levisimole, benzocane, lindocaine just a major for coke, was lovely stuff real rocket fuel. small piece on the left i washed and lost very litlle.

Looks almost identical to my budies.

Did it taste of fruit?

I wasn't going to wash his because of that taste even though it had a mild tinge of yellow. I know that yellow is a sticky oil and it has a drifty, sullen sort of effect.
Looks almost identical to my budies.

Did it taste of fruit?

I wasn't going to wash his because of that taste even though it had a mild tinge of yellow. I know that yellow is a sticky oil and it has a drifty, sullen sort of effect.

no thats just a bad picture was high grade coke that had been labtest and smelt like a cokey feully smell not fruit lol

this is the brick it came from

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I want to get a scrip for some Z bars. Does medicaid pay for that? I have ptsd but I also need to pay rent. Figure that's an ok way to do it. Btw I'm in Alaska and I sell 2 mg bars for $10 a pop. The last batch I bought was $5 a piece so that's 50% profit.