Why do people grow in soil?


Well-Known Member
I started growing in DWC a few grows ago and I find myself why everyone doesn't. I feel bad when I see a thread like "How do they look at 4 weeks?" and I open the thread and see these little plants and I cant even comment because my honest comment would have to be "They look like they are about 1/4 of the size they should be. I waited sooo long to try hydro because of all the nightmare stories but it is awesome and I just wanna pass the word.


Ursus marijanus
To give the question an honest answer, i tried DWC last fall, and it failed. I rescued my dying sprouts into soil and brought them to harvest. I will try hydro soon again, but not DWC. cn


Well-Known Member
I truly believe that failed hydro grows come from pushing the nutes alot of times. I go real easy with the nutes for the most part and have never had a problem.


Ursus marijanus
I invite you to follow my sig link. I have grown hydro before, in NFT and e&f. That went well, but I suspect I got lucky selecting an easy cultivar. This time around, i ended up with fussy plants. cn


Well-Known Member
Soil is the best and easiest way to grow by far. Asking why people grow in soil is like asking why do we eat with our mouths.


Well-Known Member
I invite you to follow my sig link. I have grown hydro before, in NFT and e&f. That went well, but I suspect I got lucky selecting an easy cultivar. This time around, i ended up with fussy plants. cn
I built an ebb & Flow system but my DWC buckets grow giant healthy plants so why fix it if it aint broke.


Ursus marijanus
Soil is the best and easiest way to grow by far. Asking why people grow in soil is like asking why do we eat with our mouths.
I wouldn't be quite so strict. It's like Ford v. Chevy ... a passionate topic but ultimately one of preference.
I did find that growing in hydro, when i got it to work, was very much fun. I took a crop from seed to fruit doing that, 100% inorganic, and "old heads" gave my bud top marks for quality and flavor. cn


bud bootlegger
ever since seeing a friend of mine pull a pound off of one plant grown in dwc a few years ago on here grown under one 250 watter, i have to admit i have been severely tempted, but what i think holds me back to soil is the ease of the grows, lower amounts of electricity running shit like chillers and pumps, etc, plus the hassle of having to ph everything all the time..
i have a ph meter, and used it when i first got it, but have since long ago stopped, and haven't really noticed any difference in my plants, so i keep things simple as simple can be..


Ursus marijanus
I built an ebb & Flow system but my DWC buckets grow giant healthy plants so why fix it if it aint broke.
My core attitude is "go with what works". If it works for you, more power to you. I couldn't make it work with my current genetics. cn


Well-Known Member
Soil is the best and easiest way to grow by far. Asking why people grow in soil is like asking why do we eat with our mouths.
I guess if by easy you mean playing with a bunch of soil, watering all the time and disposing of all the soil when you are done with it then ya its certainly the easiest and if by best you mean vegging for long periods of time to try to grow a couple oz. then yup sure is the best.


Well-Known Member
I guess if by easy you mean playing with a bunch of soil, watering all the time and disposing of all the soil when you are done with it then ya its certainly the easiest and if by best you mean vegging for long periods of time to try to grow a couple oz. then yup sure is the best.
Soil is its natural growing environment. Id pay you $1000 to go and show me a feral weed plant growing from a man made hydro system.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I started growing in DWC a few grows ago and I find myself why everyone doesn't. I feel bad when I see a thread like "How do they look at 4 weeks?" and I open the thread and see these little plants and I cant even comment because my honest comment would have to be "They look like they are about 1/4 of the size they should be. I waited sooo long to try hydro because of all the nightmare stories but it is awesome and I just wanna pass the word.
My buddy grew a side by side snow cap from clones one time. One synthetic, one organic and one hydro. Out of all 3 the hydro def produced more and faster but the smoke test was not even comparable. Couldn't tell too much of a difference between the synthetic and organic but the hydro burnt up way faster and was no where near as tasty. Of course, i've heard ppl say the complete opposite but i just got to live and learn the experience and that made my mind up for me.


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil? soil like "super soil" and fox farms meant for gowing tomatoes and nutrient heavy plants, or ar we talking black gold or some type of high end soil for flowers... either way a hand made soil for MJ, is the best soil. i dont even feel like explaining how to make soil, but you can achieve hydro results with soil any day just gotta know what you doing....


bud bootlegger
My buddy grew a side by side snow cap from clones one time. One synthetic, one organic and one hydro. Out of all 3 the hydro def produced more and faster but the smoke test was not even comparable. Couldn't tell too much of a difference between the synthetic and organic but the hydro burnt up way faster and was no where near as tasty. Of course, i've heard ppl say the complete opposite but i just got to live and learn the experience and that made my mind up for me.
i have a super pot snob friend who lives down in florida, and every time she smokes some bud that has been grown hydro, she can spot it a mile away.. i'm not the expert she is, or maybe i just haven't smoked as much hydro as she has, but she can say she can easily taste the difference between a soil grow and one that was grown in hydroponics..


Well-Known Member
I built an ebb & Flow system but my DWC buckets grow giant healthy plants so why fix it if it aint broke.

any pics? I am about to pull the trigger on leaving dirt behind ...but I can say dirt has been good to me, you are not a slave to the garden in soil..you can literally give hem a good watering and leave town for 4 days with no problems.