Why do people cut back on feedings at night with hydro?

PetFlora has no fucking clue.
He is like a parrot that repeats what others say.

Electrolyses is very old.
What it does is splitting up H2O in Hydrogen and Oxygen.
So it takes the oxygen out of the water, not out of the air.
I am no expert on electrolyses, but have some doubts.
What happens to the Hydrogen that electrolyses produces? It is a dangerous gas.
Elextrolyses not only spilts Hydrogen atoms from Oxygen atoms, but it can do the same with other elements. Perhaps some are not good for your plants.
The metal that is used, oly works for a certain amount of time. It dissolves in the water. I can imagine that it is not good for your roots.
Just some questions.

I would never use it at least.
Especcially because it is not needed to get that amount of DO that they claim, in your water.
There is already more then enough DO in your water if you use a waterfall, bubbler, flooming.
And it is way overpriced. Check some YT movies and see how to make it for a fraction.
PetFlora has no fucking clue.
He is like a parrot that repeats what others say.

Electrolyses is very old.
What it does is splitting up H2O in Hydrogen and Oxygen.
So it takes the oxygen out of the water, not out of the air.
I am no expert on electrolyses, but have some doubts.
What happens to the Hydrogen that electrolyses produces? It is a dangerous gas.
Elextrolyses not only spilts Hydrogen atoms from Oxygen atoms, but it can do the same with other elements. Perhaps some are not good for your plants.
The metal that is used, oly works for a certain amount of time. It dissolves in the water. I can imagine that it is not good for your roots.
Just some questions.

I would never use it at least.
Especcially because it is not needed to get that amount of DO that they claim, in your water.
There is already more then enough DO in your water if you use a waterfall, bubbler, flooming.
And it is way overpriced. Check some YT movies and see how to make it for a fraction.

If you actually took the time to research your questions (instead of flapping your lips ) you might actually learn to think outside the box= whatever physics you learned from books, that no doubt written long before you were born.

You owe it to those to whom you have pontificated your superior knowledge (your farts put more hydrogen into the air) provide them with verifiable answers. Of course you will wind up looking even dumber than you already are, but, hey that's how you roll

More extensive nano bubble demonstrations

If you actually took the time to research your questions (instead of flapping your lips ) you might actually learn to think outside the box= whatever physics you learned from books, that no doubt written long before you were born.

You owe it to those to whom you have pontificated your superior knowledge (your farts put more hydrogen into the air) provide them with verifiable answers. Of course you will wind up looking even dumber than you already are, but, hey that's how you roll

More extensive nano bubble demonstrations


No, now is when you should step back and re-evaluate how you are doing things because it obviously isn’t working no matter how hard you try to make it work.

Just go back to the drawing board, I’m not saying you won’t be able to grow nice looking plants ever, but you sure as fuck can’t do it right now. So stop acting like you know what you are talking about all the damn time, because you don’t, obviously, or you would have a shitload of fire growing, but you don’t. So no one who knows what your plants look like will take you seriously, I know I don’t.
Damn.. this thread is saucy. I just wish I knew anything about anything so I could come in rofl :fire:

and that's the problem: who to believe?

First I never said i was using it, just that it offers a unique perspective that isn't common to growing, but since it flys in the face of what little either of them ever learned, it has to be BS, where I, on the other hand, am open minded and willing to explore reasonable science, even though I never learned it in physics

Everyone should do their own due diligence.

This may put it int perspective for you:

Im glad I never bought a chiler

According to O2grow, no matter what we do conventionally to create more DO, the end result will only be ~ 8%. From my own experience using multiple quality air stones and 4 head high flow air pumps, separate pump in res using venturi, which generates a ton more and considerably smaller bubbles, again, according to them the result is still ~ 8%. And while it seems to work well, what would ~ 50% more and smaller DO bubbles (in this case 'nanobubbles") do?

we know (don't we) that we need to generate those bubbles in dwc/rdwc 24/7. My recent experiment to start seedlings using lpa misting with hpa mist heads (replacing my long used bubber for seedlings/clones) produced vastly better roots and root hairs

AGAIN, according to O2grow data, supported with agricultural school testing (links on his site) his emitters not only generate 12%+ DO (a ~ 50% increase) it stays in suspension until agitated. So for F & Ders, like myself, I don't have to have a second pump, which has to be on a separate timer or else the nutrient solution heats up in order to reintroduce DO.

The 64K question is: What does a 50% DO increase mean in application?

In my case a 2 emitter system is $300, about the price of a chiller, but I can run two rezes off of it, and unlike chillers it uses very little electricity. They also have a larger system for UCRDWC.

I'm almost finished with this grow, and due to extreme heat and humidity, I won't start another until mid September, but, will try it then.

Should anybody take the plunge, please start a thread


a quick trip to their store proves dstroy is a liar, and that cheesepie liked his post, shows he is too lazy to fact check

I rest my case.
and that's the problem: who to believe?

First I never said i was using it, just that it offers a unique perspective that isn't common to growing, but since it flys in the face of what little either of them ever learned, it has to be BS, where I, on the other hand, am open minded and willing to explore reasonable science, even though I never learned it in physics

Everyone should do their own due diligence.

This may put it int perspective for you:

Im glad I never bought a chiler

According to O2grow, no matter what we do conventionally to create more DO, the end result will only be ~ 8%. From my own experience using multiple quality air stones and 4 head high flow air pumps, separate pump in res using venturi, which generates a ton more and considerably smaller bubbles, again, according to them the result is still ~ 8%. And while it seems to work well, what would ~ 50% more and smaller DO bubbles (in this case 'nanobubbles") do?

we know (don't we) that we need to generate those bubbles in dwc/rdwc 24/7. My recent experiment to start seedlings using lpa misting with hpa mist heads (replacing my long used bubber for seedlings/clones) produced vastly better roots and root hairs

AGAIN, according to O2grow data, supported with agricultural school testing (links on his site) his emitters not only generate 12%+ DO (a ~ 50% increase) it stays in suspension until agitated. So for F & Ders, like myself, I don't have to have a second pump, which has to be on a separate timer or else the nutrient solution heats up in order to reintroduce DO.

The 64K question is: What does a 50% DO increase mean in application?

In my case a 2 emitter system is $300, about the price of a chiller, but I can run two rezes off of it, and unlike chillers it uses very little electricity. They also have a larger system for UCRDWC.

I'm almost finished with this grow, and due to extreme heat and humidity, I won't start another until mid September, but, will try it then.

Should anybody take the plunge, please start a thread


a quick trip to their store proves dstroy is a liar, and that cheesepie liked his post, shows he is too lazy to fact check

I rest my case.


Q: How long do the emitters last?
A: The emitters will last more than 1600 hours with normal use, meaning that you only need to run the emitters a few hours per day and that you maintain the emitters by cleaning them with muriatic acid whenever they get buildup from calcium. The screens are coated with iridium and with proper use and maintenance you should be able to even extend the life of the emitter past 1600 hours. You will know when the emitter is at it's end of life when the emitter is generating significantly fewer bubbles.

You rested your case though... Idiot. 2x89=$178 or ABOUT TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS

Buy a fucking portable DO meter and use that, then you can see for yourself how much oxygen is in your water.

Seriously though, stop sucking o2grow's dick so much, it's a built-to-a-price-point product, and even with their low res photos of components inside of it you can see they don't use top quality electronic components. And for $300, I'd expect some better engineering, but that's me.

EDIT: I forgot, its ABOUT TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS EVERY 1600 HOURS. I wonder how long a venturi lasts, or a waterfall, or flooming, or an airstone and air pump dollar for dollar compared to an almost annual cost of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. Have to write out the math for @PetFlora otherwise he just calls you a liar. Idiot.
I will give it another try because I am also openminded and never to old or stubbern to learn new methods.
But accepting things that are totally opposite of biological and physical laws.... that is just weird.

PetFlora show is his post that he doesn't understand the systems he is crazy about.

According to O2grow, no matter what we do conventionally to create more DO, the end result will only be ~ 8%. From my own experience using multiple quality air stones and 4 head high flow air pumps, separate pump in res using venturi, which generates a ton more and considerably smaller bubbles, again, according to them the result is still ~ 8%. And while it seems to work well, what would ~ 50% more and smaller DO bubbles (in this case 'nanobubbles") do?
O2grow doesn't say that the end result will only be 8% DO with conventional systems.
They say that with normal bubblers you get around 8 mg of DO per liter.
When you use their device it will become 13 mg per liter.
Proof of this is in their own video

They call them nanobubbles, but that is nonsense. Nano sounds very 2018, but it are just microbubbles.
The question is...''do roots need water with a satturation of 13 mg?''
Most scientist will tell you that 8 or 7 mg is more then enough, and that roots can not even consume that.
O2Grow claims that with 13 mg they reach higher yields. I doubt it, but ok.
Especcially because they say that you only use the emmitters for 3 hours a day. So what happens after the roots absorbed their 13 mg of DO per liter water? They then will absorb the DO that automatticaly will come into the water, because that is what airpressure of 1 bar does. And if the water is not agitated, it will get less oxygen in. Perhaps only 4, 5 or 6 mg per liter. So 3 hours of 12 or 13 mg and 9 hours of 4, 5 or 6 mg, makes also an anverage of 8 mg per liter.
So no difference at all and still they have significant larger yields. I don't think so.
But please, someone show me a succesfull grower for years, who will then use the diffuser and then get's 10 or 20 percent more yield and I am sold.

we know (don't we) that we need to generate those bubbles in dwc/rdwc 24/7. My recent experiment to start seedlings using lpa misting with hpa mist heads (replacing my long used bubber for seedlings/clones) produced vastly better roots and root hairs
You are right here, but this has everything to do that hpa misters and also lpa misters will give the best ratio of water and oxygen. Not DO, but oxygen in gaseous form. Far more rich then DO can ever be. A very good system for clones but also for vegging and growing.

AGAIN, according to O2grow data, supported with agricultural school testing (links on his site) his emitters not only generate 12%+ DO (a ~ 50% increase) it stays in suspension until agitated. So for F & Ders, like myself, I don't have to have a second pump, which has to be on a separate timer or else the nutrient solution heats up in order to reintroduce DO.
Why in the world would you put DO in your resevoir when you use F & D? There is already the maximum in, because the water is agitated when it flows back in the reservoir, and also when it is pumped in the reservoir. But most importantly, the roots will get the most oxygen (in gaseous form) when the water has left the roots. The roots are damp and surround by air that is rich of oxygen. Far more rich then DO in water can ever be. So aerating your reservoir is useless, nonsense and a waste of money and effort.
Growers who use soil, coco or rockwool also do not aerate their water. And for good reasons.

In my case a 2 emitter system is $300, about the price of a chiller, but I can run two rezes off of it, and unlike chillers it uses very little electricity. They also have a larger system for UCRDWC.

You don't use chillers to get more DO in your water. That is just a side effect.
8 mg per liter in water of 68 degrees or 7 mg per liter in water of 86 degrees is not an important difference. There is plenty of DO in the water for the roots already.
You should use a chiller especcially to prevent diseases.
Only if your water gets far above 86 degress you should cool the water to get sufficient DO in.

The other posts about the nanobubbles is a totally different system.
They create nanobubbles, not microbubbles like 02Grow does, with a airstone with extremly small holes.
Still, I see them make claims that I am doubting, but I am not that interested in it.
Again, commercial growers do not use them and that should tell you something.
Not everything, but still.

I rest my case.

Please do.
Stay away, enjoy your hobby and have a good life.
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Not done with you yet.

Do you know anything about how HPA works? It's a closed system, solution under pressure, which is released in < 1 second bursts. The resultant mist floats in the closed root chamber so where does the O2 come from? The chamber? Sooner or later that oxygen will be used up. And yet, HPA root hairs are unique: they look like volleyball- basketball size cotton candy, offering PHENOMENALLY more surface area for nutrient uptake when it is provided at ~ 20-50 microns. And having done 4 grows with it is what finally gave me idea to incorporate HPA mist heads onto a low pressure pump, which provided amazingly better root system than any bubbler ever could. Did you ever think of it? NO.

Experimenting/thinking outside the box is how science and chemistry advances, not by being close minded, relying on antiquated studies

HPA roots blow away what harvested roots look like from conventional F & D with typical DO

To state you are not convinced, ok, BUT, to argue, and argue and argue that the O2grow wil not perform better without ever having tried it is IMHO beyond ridiculous

Now Im done
Now Im done
Not a moment too soon.

I shared my personal experience with a setup that is far simpler and less expensive and you basically called me a liar.

The bottom line is that what works for fish keepers is going to be more than adequate for us. I don't use a chiller because I don't need one.

Anyone else interested in replicating my results is welcome to ask any questions they like. I'm happy to help!
Not done with you yet.

Do you know anything about how HPA works? It's a closed system, solution under pressure, which is released in < 1 second bursts. The resultant mist floats in the closed root chamber so where does the O2 come from? The chamber? Sooner or later that oxygen will be used up. And yet, HPA root hairs are unique: they look like volleyball- basketball size cotton candy, offering PHENOMENALLY more surface area for nutrient uptake when it is provided at ~ 20-50 microns. And having done 4 grows with it is what finally gave me idea to incorporate HPA mist heads onto a low pressure pump, which provided amazingly better root system than any bubbler ever could. Did you ever think of it? NO.
Again, you don't understand a system.
Do you really think that there will get no oxygen in the chamber?
Of course there will. And even it is just a little opening, it will be more then enough.

Because you don't know numbers and science, I will explain it to you. All for free.
A cubic meter of air holds 1,430,000 mg of oxygen.
Roots use 200 mg of oxygen per kilo of roots per hour.
So if there would be 1 kilo of roots in your chamber, and your chamber would be 1 cubic meter, there would be enough oxygen for your roots for 7,150 hours. That are almost 300 days.
Of course your chamber would be perhaps smaller and your rootball heavier.
But even with a chamber that is 4 times smaller, there will be enougg oxygen for 75 days. That is if your chamber is tightly sealed.

But your rootchamber can never be totally sealed. There will for exampe always slip air through where the stem is in your netpot.
So air will be flowing in all the time. If it is just 10 percent of new air every day, it means that in a room chamber of 1 cubic meter, it would be 143,000 mg of new oxygen per day.
If you would have 10 kilos of roots in a chamber of 1 cubic meter, that would mean you only need oxygen in the amount of 10 kilo roots x 200 mg x 24 hours = 48,000 mg. So more then enough.
So, you don't understand how and why your system works as it does.
Of course you can say it is only knowledge from books, but these are scientific facts.
Perhaps you belong to the group of people who say that the earth is not a ball, because it is knowledge from the books.

BTW, HPA does not need totally closed chambers.
I visit commercial greenhouses and see it used in open greenhouses as well.
Most of them just hang some plastic flaps so the air flows not away right away.
Or they have a sub-chamber in their huge greenhouse.

And I agree with you that HPA gives great roots, perhaps the best from all hydro systems.
But in your crazy rage you probably overread that.

Experimenting/thinking outside the box is how science and chemistry advances, not by being close minded, relying on antiquated studies
Studies are not antiquated. Why the fuck do you think people came up with HPA?
Knowing that plants in a moist enviroment, surrounded by oxygen in a gaseous form will perform great. No biologist, hydro-expert or horticultural grower ever said that it was nonsense.

HPA roots blow away what harvested roots look like from conventional F & D with typical DO
F & D does not rely on DO, but you don't get that. F & D is a system that is based on oxygen in gaeous form.
If you wanted more and better roots, you could perhaps flood with a higher interval.
That way your roots would stay moist for longer, and as we know ''moist plus oxygen in gaseous state is perfect.'' The same as with HPA, LPA and those funny foggers (only for clones)
For someone who likes thinking out of the box and experimenting, you should open your eyes how the roots work.
Not stick what some old growers who don't understand the difference between DO and oxygen in gaseous form once taught you.

To state you are not convinced, ok, BUT, to argue, and argue and argue that the O2grow wil not perform better without ever having tried it is IMHO beyond ridiculous
I am not trying it out, for several legitimate reasons.
- It is way to expensive.
- I think there is a danger of bringing toxic metals in your reservoir
- Plants don't need a DO of 13 mg per liter anyway, so why do it?
- I don't get the 3 hours per day system.

Every year I see several wonder-products that promise 10 or 20 percent higher yields.
I doubt most of them and in the long run I saw them almost all disappear.
This company is around for some time, and still it all looks like snake oil.
But hey, I could be wrong, so you prove me right.
Now I have heard that you are a lousy grower anyway, so when you have a higher yield, it can also be luck.

Now Im done
Bye bye
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I aerate my coco reservoir so when i drown them in water its just like my dwc system. by the time its lost its do the coco's oxygen retention will take care of the rest. In theory.
I aerate my coco reservoir so when i drown them in water its just like my dwc system. by the time its lost its do the coco's oxygen retention will take care of the rest. In theory.

If it means you have an external reservoir and you give water to your pots filled with coco, it is useless to add DO in the water before. The amount of oxygen in the water will be less then 10 percent but probably even less then 1 percent of what the roots need.
The roots will get most of their oxygen when the water has dripped away or absorbed by the roots. Just make sure that your coco stays not drowned and their will plenty of space where fresh, oxygen rich air can reach your roots.

Circulation of your reservoir is a good thing to keep all the nutes mixed up.
Not done with you yet.

Do you know anything about how HPA works? It's a closed system, solution under pressure, which is released in < 1 second bursts. The resultant mist floats in the closed root chamber so where does the O2 come from? The chamber? Sooner or later that oxygen will be used up. And yet, HPA root hairs are unique: they look like volleyball- basketball size cotton candy, offering PHENOMENALLY more surface area for nutrient uptake when it is provided at ~ 20-50 microns. And having done 4 grows with it is what finally gave me idea to incorporate HPA mist heads onto a low pressure pump, which provided amazingly better root system than any bubbler ever could. Did you ever think of it? NO.

Experimenting/thinking outside the box is how science and chemistry advances, not by being close minded, relying on antiquated studies

HPA roots blow away what harvested roots look like from conventional F & D with typical DO

To state you are not convinced, ok, BUT, to argue, and argue and argue that the O2grow wil not perform better without ever having tried it is IMHO beyond ridiculous

Now Im done
Maybe you should actually spend some time on the forums you would know some of the people you have been talking shit to know hpa and run hpa systems and i must say @dstroy has some of the largest root systems ive ever seen.
Not a moment too soon.

I shared my personal experience with a setup that is far simpler and less expensive and you basically called me a liar.

The bottom line is that what works for fish keepers is going to be more than adequate for us. I don't use a chiller because I don't need one.

Anyone else interested in replicating my results is welcome to ask any questions they like. I'm happy to help!
As a guy with a bunch of aquariums and several fish species that like very low EC, high temps, and high oxygen requirements for breeding, uh yeah: A lot of y’all weed people need to come back down to earth. Aquaria keeping has so much synergy with this game, it provides a great perspective on both. I mean to say I agree.
As a guy with a bunch of aquariums and several fish species that like very low EC, high temps, and high oxygen requirements for breeding, uh yeah: A lot of y’all weed people need to come back down to earth. Aquaria keeping has so much synergy with this game, it provides a great perspective on both. I mean to say I agree.

U talking like aquaponics here?