Why do my seedlings keep falling over?

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
:-( yea my seedlings keep falling over.. I have a 24in t5 about foot away from the tops.
Anybody know why this is happening?


RIU Bulldog
A foot is a little far even for a seedling. T5's can be out almost touching the plants. Even seedlings can be like an inch or two away.
How tall are your sprouts? I'm guessing they stretched for the light and now that the leaves are bigger, it's falling over. Like someone else said, they're top heavy.
To fix it now, tie it to a stake like a chopstick or a toothpick. To fix it later, when you transplant it, bury the stem deeper than you would normally.


Active Member
yeah u need to move it closer but to prop then up take a straw and cut it to the length from a little bit under the soil to the sugar leafs and slice the straw along the side and put it around the stem to prop it up also if u dont have a fan blowing on them id et one right away then once the stem thickens up u can take off the straw....


Active Member
not a prob thts what this site is for lucky for you u got a quick responce sometimes it can take forever lol