Why do my plants look like this? ADVICE ANYONE!!

Hey guys, so its now been 5 and a half weeks since I germinated these guys, and I noticed this morning that the leaves were drooping on both plants. I fed them on only water for 4 weeks and they looked pretty healthy up until now and there's been 2 feeding since (im using bio bizz grow & bloom and have started at quarter strength). Not totally sure what the problem could be so any advice is much appreciated. thanks in advance


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
you burned them with to many nutes. they don't need bloom nutes,just grow, and very little, use plain water the next couple waterings
ah i hear that. thanks for the info, i shoulda read this up before hand tbh. will stick with the plain water for next couple of waterings


Active Member
Defiantly looks like two sign/ water logg and lock up
you should only water when top soil starts to get dry and the under soil is moist and u don't need more than 10 oz of water per plant it helps regulate water better when u don't flood the pot and air for drainage or run off
by lock up I'm saying u over did the nutrients, now I know u wanna ale those baby's big but u can't use additive to force them u feed them the food as they need it let them tell u when it's time. I use my nutes once a week and in small dose recommended by the bottle. Also could be signs of not the right lighting. I see it looks healthy is color it's just small and droopy, try adding more or better lights instead of what u have


Well-Known Member
Just looks like they're overwatered to me. Maybe a little nute burn... but before you water from now on, just stick your finger in the soil up to your second knuckle (~2 inches) and see if its wet. If it is, leave it alone. The nute burn doesn't look bad tho... plants are healthy, just water less IMO.
appreciate the feedback man, yeah i think i may have gone a little trigger happy on the nutes there, defiantly something i'll work on for my 2nd grow. thanks again


New Member
Yeah the color looks really good dude!!! I wish mine looked like that in color. Seems they should definitely be bigger though.


Well-Known Member
Too many factors that could be wrong, you could be watering too little and it has a salinity build up, or your watering too much and they have the beginings of root rot, or you don't have enough lighting. We need more info before you go off half cocked. I don't believe that 1/4 strength nutes are going to burn it...IMO..


Well-Known Member
don't leave your plants sitting in saucers of water, use gravel in the saucer so the pots are raised up and not sitting in water, rosetting is usually a sign on root problems and you can usually smell for molds by smelling the bottom of the pot.

What soil are you using?

What water are you using?

What is the daytime and nighttime temperature of the grow area?

If your using something like miricle grow soil then water less often.