Why do my hash brownies get stronger with age?


New Member
This question has been bugging me for years and I can’t find anything about it online.

I make hash brownies about once a fortnight and me and the wife will have them a couple of times a week.

Fresh out the oven they are super yummy :) but left for a few days they get stronger, and left for a week or 2 they are even stronger!! It doesn’t make sense and I was hoping someone could explain why??

At first I thought I was imaging it or it had something to do with eating them on an empty stomach. I’ve been making them for about 5 years and it happens every time without fail.

How it is possible?

Thanks :)
This question has been bugging me for years and I can’t find anything about it online.

I make hash brownies about once a fortnight and me and the wife will have them a couple of times a week.

Fresh out the oven they are super yummy :) but left for a few days they get stronger, and left for a week or 2 they are even stronger!! It doesn’t make sense and I was hoping someone could explain why??

At first I thought I was imaging it or it had something to do with eating them on an empty stomach. I’ve been making them for about 5 years and it happens every time without fail.

How it is possible?

Thanks :)
All I know is the older my Dad got the bigger the "I'll just have a sliver" slices of dessert were.
when i made hash brownies i would allways not mix it perfect you could see lines of butter inside soo some peaces would have a shit tone and some would have nothing.