False, women secretly think their view of partnership is right and the emotions/committment should rule the relationship since it's more "elevated" and "evolved" than just accepting that men can separate the two.
Yes, that's what I was trying to convey. Men understand women's need to mix emotions with sex more than women understand men's need of sexual variety and chronic masturbation. Women get to think that they are right because they are the gatekeepers to sex, and get to say yes and no to sexual advances. If it was up to most men, there would be sexual acts happening several times per day. Every day
IDK I *think* you're around my age and don't you notice in the past decade or so porn has now began to dictate what ppl do in the bedroom? In other words, men are now using phrases like, "dude I murdered that pussy" or "I tore her ass UP." almost more aggressive in tone than just enjoyable sex.
I'm in my 40s, so I think you're right. Nah, ime it's always been like that. Men have always used that aggressive, conquering language among themselves regarding sex. I think that now there's less inhibition concerning sex, so you women here it more openly...
Maybe since porn is so much more accessible and mainstream now women feel they have a certain physical standard to live up to?
Maybe. You ladies and your body image issues, it's gotta be difficult...
Can guys honestly say they separate their real life expectations in the bedroom from their fantasies?
For sure! We learn quickly in our teens and 20s what to expect irl as opposed to the fantastic portrayal of sex on screen...
If both your ex wives thought anything was "icky" regarding their man's normal physical response then I get why you have 2 ex wives. LOL (I meant that if they felt sex is icky then why pick that kind of woman? more of a commentary on the ex's shortcomings than yours)
Ask most married guys: all the sex, bjs, anal, etc., is AWESOME at the start of a relationship, but over the course of time it often becomes a chore for the ladies when the shine wears off the apple (so to speak). That's why I love this joke:
Scientists have discovered a substance, that when eaten by women, reduces sex drive by 90%. They call this substance wedding cake. I think this is because of our main point, which is women combine sex with emotion; if the emotions aren't just right, then their desire for sex is diminished or non-existent. Since men don't necessarily combine the two, their sex drive often stays the same.
GAH I can't explain myself. Hope you get what I was trying to say.
Nah, I get you. I'm enjoying the exchange