Why do dogs fear guns?


Well-Known Member
Seriously my dog has never heard me fire a gun, but as soon as he sees it, he knows something is wrong..

My brothers dog did the same shit but tried to bite my hand and was barking like crazy?

What is crazy if I hold something that looks like gun but is not, doesn't even bother them..

Are dogs smarter then we give them credit for?
That's funny cause the only thing my Rottweiler was scared of was my BB gun. He would run and hide as soon as he heard it.
handgun or long gun? do they react the same with a box of shells? a sensing of whatever emotion you or others in your family are exhibiting when the gun{s} are out? I would imagine if the guns were laying around all the time, they would become accustomed to it.
Probably just senses your caution/behaviour change when handling the weapon and reacts to it more than knowing a gun is a gun if you get what i mean
Mine are a little scared but they've seen me use it about a year ago I had to put a cat down thing got hit by a car and broke it's back also another dog I had bit my kid so yeah they know what's up. But they stay near me even with a gun they know I ain't shooting them for nothing and I don't eat dog. lol
My doge hates the gunfire too. Hurts her ears I think. I find her hiding in the bathroom. I noticed she was hiding the other day when i was using the staple gun lol
Odanksta, you answered your question. If you had never seen a gun and had no idea what it was and someone shot one next to you, you would probably poop yourself.
Yeah but like I said he has never heard it me shoot it..

@BarnBuster both, but the pistol is what he is really scared of.. I mean the fucker is laying on it half the time, it's only when it's in my hands is when he gets all crazy..

I think dogs are psychic, If I am down my dog knows it, if I am about to leave he knows, if I am doing something I am not suppose to be doing he won't even fuck with me.

I spend even waking moment with my dog, he goes where I go atleast for the most part.. He knows me better then anyone
Thats clever...
Do you think I can ever get Kushy used to gunfire? Or do you think she never will ?
How old is she? Its possible. I would fire the gun around her and then reassure her its ok and let her smell the gun and burnt powder. Maybe start with a cap gun if they still make them.
dogs pick up on visual cues more than we might think. for instance, you say he always goes everywhere with you but has never seen you shoot a firearm, but you do leave and go hunting or to the range without him, in his mind the gun(s) can signify you are about to leave (with out him).
Yeah but like I said he has never heard it me shoot it..

@BarnBuster both, but the pistol is what he is really scared of.. I mean the fucker is laying on it half the time, it's only when it's in my hands is when he gets all crazy..

I think dogs are psychic, If I am down my dog knows it, if I am about to leave he knows, if I am doing something I am not suppose to be doing he won't even fuck with me.

I spend even waking moment with my dog, he goes where I go atleast for the most part.. He knows me better then anyone

It may pay you to do a bit of googling on dog behaviour as its a fascinating subject, dogs have a lot higher perception of things than people give them credit for and also a higher level of understanding than most animals, do a bit of reading and you will be pleasantly suprised what they are capable of

A family friends dog detected my mums breast cancer 6years before it showed up on ANY medical tests they ran at the hospitals, just one day suddenly started barking and pawing gently at my mums chest while looking all depressed and upset, something the dog had never done to anyone in its lifetime apparently

Another friends dog( mellow and well behaved all its life) suddenly attacked its owner and wouldnt let him out the house and kept barking until neighbours showed up when he wrote out his suicide note after a bout of depression ( he reckons he would have topped himself less than 4mins after being out his front door if dog hadnt of gone for him), the neighbours saw the note and called ambulance etc n he got help etc

I could go on an on but you get the point......
Thats clever...
Do you think I can ever get Kushy used to gunfire? Or do you think she never will ?

You will have to get her used to sudden LOUD noises first,start quiter and work to louder noises etc, my grandad was an RAFMP dog handler and one of the first parts of their training ( being military dogs) is to get them used to grenades/gunshots going off constantly without them freaking out constantly etc
if i hold a toy gun my rott pitt will bark and take it from me....would hate to see what she would do if someone else was holding one...she bites the gun and pulls and shakes her head..
never had one around her she just knows.
Seriously my dog has never heard me fire a gun, but as soon as he sees it, he knows something is wrong..

My brothers dog did the same shit but tried to bite my hand and was barking like crazy?

What is crazy if I hold something that looks like gun but is not, doesn't even bother them..

Are dogs smarter then we give them credit for?
Loud bang that catches them. Off guard. Same as us