Why Did God Create The Dinosaurs?


New Member
I don't mind people having adult fairy tales swimming around in their heads....

I do mind the insistence that others believe as well. Enough damage has been done by cult religions....enough already. One of the reasons I like Judaism and Buddhism and Hinduism, they don't give a rat's arse if you believe....the problem is the Christians and the Muslims.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Yes I totally agree and like i said If we all did respect what people want to believe, then they wouldn't force there views or religion on people, just accept that thats what they want to believe.



to be honest, god didn't create dinosaurs, this is a scientific point of view too by the way. They evolved from the same bacteria as we did, you can go back about 68 million years ago, and check it out yourself if you want. I think i got a time machine in my basement you can borrow.
God created dinosaur bones as a way of testing the faith of Christian Creationists. The dinosaurs never really existed, god, being omnipotent, just needed to put the bones there and provide all the evidence for carbon dating a few thousand years ago.

It's very important that all Christians are able to ignore the ever growing mountain of evidence that undermines their belief system. Their god wants only complete and unquestioning obedience.

Godless believers in evolution (like me) will surely burn in hell for our heresies. (But I don't mind 'cos that's where all the good ganja will be.:lol:)


New Member
Hehehe, nice and jesty there.

But here is a clincher that is bona fide CHURCH DOCTRINE TODAY!! The church says that the reason why the jesus myth is not original is because Satan went back in time and sprinkled the commonalities of Jesus' myth around to fool us.
Things like a virgin birth, immaculate conception, etc.... all in prior myths. The church STANDS BY THIS TODAY!! Lawdy, how ppl are so easily misled.....:lol:

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I'm just glad the dinos are gone.
Can you imagine how much homeowners insurance would cost?
What kind of fence would you use around your growspot?