why cure??????????????????????????????


Active Member
why cure why not just dry and then smoke????just a question. and if i do cure my plant whats the best way to do that?


Well-Known Member
improved flavor.

leave em in mason jars.

let em breathe fresh air once a day for a week.


Well-Known Member
better taste, better bur, better smoke, better smell, cannabinoids are still ripening and turning into thc.
I think of it like this not curing your bud is like eating a banana you didn't let ripen. its an okay banana even if its not ripe, but its just soo much better on so many levels after ripening.

and yes the grow FAQs are your friends, for the most part :P


Well-Known Member
Um.... hmmm, okay, I may be wrong on this. This may only apply to drying but I'll go for it anyways.

Curing: When the buds dry, the outer layer of the bud will dry first. The normal movement of sugars and water will continue throughout the drying process. This means that as the outside layer dries, water from the inside will be transfered to replace it; causing an even dry. An even dry means good taste and a smooth toke.


Well-Known Member
And the fact that curing them helps them dry more evenly... It's not a quick dry that will make most of it dry and leave a damp center or a crispy bud. You want to let it dry on it's own in the best possible conditions you can give it to make it the nicest smoke. Usually a jar that you burp 15-30 mins twice a day will give you a great smoke.


Well-Known Member
and lets not forget that the THC needs time to mature into THC its a non psycoactive chemical like CBD or some shit pre curing, and curing alows for it to mature into our friend mt psycoactive THC which is why I cant fucking rememeber the chemical proces that happens during curing and help you out. or help myself out for that matter :P
what am I even talking about? I need to smoke.


Active Member
man im so high right now and it's so clear it kinda make me feel like im not high at times, but im!!!!! n-e-way thanks you guys for all your help bongsmilie:peace: