Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals (Poll)

I am..

  • Liberal & happy

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Liberal & unhappy

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Conservative & happy

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Conservative & unhappy

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Take this article with a grain of salt, it's pretty clearly conservative leaning, but I thought it was still interesting..

Published: July 7, 2012

WHO is happier about life — liberals or conservatives? The answer might seem straightforward. After all, there is an entire academic literature in the social sciences dedicated to showing conservatives as naturally authoritarian, dogmatic, intolerant of ambiguity, fearful of threat and loss, low in self-esteem and uncomfortable with complex modes of thinking. And it was the candidate Barack Obama in 2008 who infamously labeled blue-collar voters “bitter,” as they “cling to guns or religion.” Obviously, liberals must be happier, right?

Wrong. Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

Many conservatives favor an explanation focusing on lifestyle differences, such as marriage and faith. They note that most conservatives are married; most liberals are not. (The percentages are 53 percent to 33 percent, according to my calculations using data from the 2004 General Social Survey, and almost none of the gap is due to the fact that liberals tend to be younger than conservatives.) Marriage and happiness go together. If two people are demographically the same but one is married and the other is not, the married person will be 18 percentage points more likely to say he or she is very happy than the unmarried person.

The story on religion is much the same. According to the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, conservatives who practice a faith outnumber religious liberals in America nearly four to one. And the link to happiness? You guessed it. Religious participants are nearly twice as likely to say they are very happy about their lives as are secularists (43 percent to 23 percent). The differences don’t depend on education, race, sex or age; the happiness difference exists even when you account for income.

Whether religion and marriage should make people happy is a question you have to answer for yourself. But consider this: Fifty-two percent of married, religious, politically conservative people (with kids) are very happy — versus only 14 percent of single, secular, liberal people without kids.

An explanation for the happiness gap more congenial to liberals is that conservatives are simply inattentive to the misery of others. If they recognized the injustice in the world, they wouldn’t be so cheerful. In the words of Jaime Napier and John Jost, New York University psychologists, in the journal Psychological Science, “Liberals may be less happy than conservatives because they are less ideologically prepared to rationalize (or explain away) the degree of inequality in society.” The academic parlance for this is “system justification.”

The data show that conservatives do indeed see the free enterprise system in a sunnier light than liberals do, believing in each American’s ability to get ahead on the basis of achievement. Liberals are more likely to see people as victims of circumstance and oppression, and doubt whether individuals can climb without governmental help. My own analysis using 2005 survey data from Syracuse University shows that about 90 percent of conservatives agree that “While people may begin with different opportunities, hard work and perseverance can usually overcome those disadvantages.” Liberals — even upper-income liberals — are a third less likely to say this.

So conservatives are ignorant, and ignorance is bliss, right? Not so fast, according to a study from the University of Florida psychologists Barry Schlenker and John Chambers and the University of Toronto psychologist Bonnie Le in the Journal of Research in Personality. These scholars note that liberals define fairness and an improved society in terms of greater economic equality. Liberals then condemn the happiness of conservatives, because conservatives are relatively untroubled by a problem that, it turns out, their political counterparts defined.

Imagine the opposite. Say liberals were the happy ones. Conservatives might charge that it is only because liberals are unperturbed by the social welfare state’s monstrous threat to economic liberty. Liberals would justifiably dismiss this argument as solipsistic and silly.

There is one other noteworthy political happiness gap that has gotten less scholarly attention than conservatives versus liberals: moderates versus extremists.

Political moderates must be happier than extremists, it always seemed to me. After all, extremists actually advertise their misery with strident bumper stickers that say things like, “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention!”

But it turns out that’s wrong. People at the extremes are happier than political moderates. Correcting for income, education, age, race, family situation and religion, the happiest Americans are those who say they are either “extremely conservative” (48 percent very happy) or “extremely liberal” (35 percent). Everyone else is less happy, with the nadir at dead-center “moderate” (26 percent).

What explains this odd pattern? One possibility is that extremists have the whole world figured out, and sorted into good guys and bad guys. They have the security of knowing what’s wrong, and whom to fight. They are the happy warriors.

Whatever the explanation, the implications are striking. The Occupy Wall Street protesters may have looked like a miserable mess. In truth, they were probably happier than the moderates making fun of them from the offices above. And none, it seems, are happier than the Tea Partiers, many of whom cling to guns and faith with great tenacity. Which some moderately liberal readers of this newspaper might find quite depressing.

Arthur C. Brooks is the president of the American Enterprise Institute and the author of “The Road to Freedom” and “Gross National Happiness.”

So as for the poll, how would you define the state of happiness in your life right now, as well as your political affiliation, and also, why you feel this is?
ignorance is bliss

That was touched upon in the article.

  • "So conservatives are ignorant, and ignorance is bliss, right? Not so fast, according to a study from the University of Florida psychologists Barry Schlenker and John Chambers and the University of Toronto psychologist Bonnie Le in the Journal of Research in Personality. These scholars note that liberals define fairness and an improved society in terms of greater economic equality. Liberals then condemn the happiness of conservatives, because conservatives are relatively untroubled by a problem that, it turns out, their political counterparts defined.

    Imagine the opposite. Say liberals were the happy ones. Conservatives might charge that it is only because liberals are unperturbed by the social welfare state’s monstrous threat to economic liberty. Liberals would justifiably dismiss this argument as solipsistic and silly."

Do you agree with that analysis?
i agree that conservatives are ignorant, and ignorance is bliss.

it's easy to be happy when you delude yourself into believing that sky daddy has your back and his little baby jeebus died so that you can float on a cloud playing a harp once it's all over.
i agree that conservatives are ignorant, and ignorance is bliss.

it's easy to be happy when you delude yourself into believing that sky daddy has your back and his little baby jeebus died so that you can float on a cloud playing a harp once it's all over.
Go kill some Palestinians if you want to feel better.
i agree that conservatives are ignorant, and ignorance is bliss.

it's easy to be happy when you delude yourself into believing that sky daddy has your back and his little baby jeebus died so that you can float on a cloud playing a harp once it's all over.
Agree with whom, yourself? Did you think your other personality was posting you jackass?
I asked if Buck agreed with the articles analysis of 'ignorance is bliss', I believe that's what he was agreeing with.
I know Pada. I was just messing him because I accuse him and his twin halfwit of being the same person. He'll be along shortly and give it right back.
why isn't

"I am libertarian and surrounded by idiots"

an option?

I voted 'other'...

so study concludes this which is true about me:

Political moderates must be happier than extremists, it always seemed to me. After all, extremists actually advertise their misery with strident bumper stickers that say things like, “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention!”

But it turns out that’s wrong. People at the extremes are happier than political moderates.

I am actually a very happy person and content, yet people have this impression of me when they hear my political views on the surface, especially on the internet in writing.

"What explains this odd pattern? One possibility is that extremists have the whole world figured out, and sorted into good guys and bad guys. They have the security of knowing what’s wrong, and whom to fight. They are the happy warriors."

This is also a good observation although pretty vague it gets to the point, like I said "libertarian and surrounded by idiots". I feel like I don't have to defend some ridiculous ideology or position because I see the faults in each one, I am just on the neutral ground and everything makes sense as I see it because they are my own world view and I am not a slave to one philosophy, I feel like the world is as it is and very simple for me. Life is good.When it comes to religion I am agnostic, I basically have no opinion, only the truth.

It has been argued recently that conservatism is a mental illness, I feel the same way about liberalism, Conservatives and Liberals are both mentally ill if they believe in one ideology over the other 100% I feel bad for them, they must be very unhappy, perhaps conservatives are happier because they just have everything explained to them while liberals are kind of like lost puppies full of emotional baggage.
The title is misstated. It should read "Why conservatives SAY they are happier". All we know from this is that they say they are happy. Conservatives look for group approval for almost everything they think or do, when they get it, they are happy and they commonly congregate with like minded folks so they all agree with each other most of the time and because conservatives thrive on such agreement and like minded companionship, they are happy.
The title is misstated. It should read "Why conservatives SAY they are happier". All we know from this is that they say they are happy. Conservatives look for group approval for almost everything they think or do, when they get it, they are happy and they commonly congregate with like minded folks so they all agree with each other most of the time and because conservatives thrive on such agreement and like minded companionship, they are happy.

its not that they conspire its just thats its very black and white, level headed, easy to understand, so it must be true right? When the world is laid out for you in black and white easy to understand philosophy that provided an answer for almost everything WITHOUT the need to "congregate" then life is grand, ignorance is bliss.

If you ask a conservative "what does it mean to be a conservative" they will tell you flat out and all will have similar answers. Ask a liberal the same thing except for "What it mean to be a liberal?" and every one will give you a different emotional answer. To be so confused you must be very unhappy.
its not that they conspire its just thats its very black and white, level headed, easy to understand, so it must be true right? When the world is laid out for you in black and white easy to understand philosophy that provided an answer for almost everything WITHOUT the need to "congregate" then life is grand, ignorance is bliss.

If you ask a conservative "what does it mean to be a conservative" they will tell you flat out and all will have similar answers. Ask a liberal the same thing except for "What it mean to be a liberal?" and every one will give you a different emotional answer. To be so confused you must be very unhappy.

So you are saying Conservatives are simpletons