Well-Known Member
You're wrong about Wein's law so you ask for plant pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with Wein's law? Quit acting like a freaking idiot. Next someone is going to tell you the world is round and you're going to ask for weed pictures. Fluorescent lamps have totally different spectral power distributions than incandescent lamps (black body), and it has nothing to do with weed.This guy follows my post with adverserial spirit.. But doesnt respond to my question.... I know it doesnt take this long to answer..... I know it took longer for you to find this post..comment on iy... Add charts etc.... Lol.... What do you use
You clearly wasted a lot of money on this bad idea of yours. Getting defensive about it after realizing you're totally wrong makes you look like more of an idiot.
Learn what spectral power distribution means and then go look up what it is for the lamps you're using and realize they're nowhere close to what black body sources look like.
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