Why can't i get a stright anwser?!


Well-Known Member
This is my last attempt at getting an anwser to this. I have read that much in the last few days about males plants and i can't find a stright anwser anywhere.

So some people say make hash with it, but how can you really when the male plant has such little thc? Seems a bit pointless going the hash route to me for one plant. I'm not into the whole cooking thing so the butter idea is really out the question. Been hanging for 7 days now, and i have been researching ever since to see what to do, but have not had much look. There is only so many hours you can surf the web looking for info before your mind turns to mush!

So is there any point in trying to make hash out of a 7 week old male lowryder2? If so the only method i can really use is the blender one, can't afford bags or anything at the moment.

Is it better just to chop it up and grind it up really small then smoke? Rather than make hash?

As for the headache don't even go there cos i don't care, i have headache most of the time as it is, so it doesn't really bother me if i get headache or not, i'm that used to it now. It seems strange if i don't have headache these days lol.

So any ideas anyone?


Well-Known Member
lol, that was my thinking too till i relased i will have nothing to smoke till my female is done if i do that. I think it was hermie it had pistals but didn't get chance to flower.

1 male low ryder? i'd throw it in the compost bin.


Well-Known Member
when you make hash outta male plants it supposed to be like A TON of male plants that you use

your completely right its pointless and a waste of time to make hash outta one male loweryder plant

also you dont need bags to make bubble hash just two containers really, but thats besides the point

honestly id say the only real use outta that plant is to save a leaf and keep it as a decoration or something

if its pretty mature you COULD just grind up your leaves and hope for something but i cant garuntee you anything. but you might be able to atleast get a buzz

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
IF your REALLY desperate you can, but I can't see why anyone would bother - I know someone who smoked a male and surprisingly got high off it...they killed the other males off!


Well-Known Member
I may try grinding a few leaves up then and take it from there.

when you make hash outta male plants it supposed to be like A TON of male plants that you use

your completely right its pointless and a waste of time to make hash outta one male loweryder plant

also you dont need bags to make bubble hash just two containers really, but thats besides the point

honestly id say the only real use outta that plant is to save a leaf and keep it as a decoration or something

if its pretty mature you COULD just grind up your leaves and hope for something but i cant garuntee you anything. but you might be able to atleast get a buzz


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I made hash out of 3 male plants just Yesterday, each over 9' or 10' tall, didnt have bubble bags, just put in brown bags and froze then in a bucket with ice and water and stirred and bleneded and let gravity settle it all poured off water again and agin til I had a pile of what looked like baby shit, dried a bit wirth blow dryer then rolled around on coffe table til black, 3 plants (entire plant chopped up) only made a hash ball about the size of a paintball, but it worx pretty damn good when toked.


Well-Known Member
Mine was easy twice that height but quiet stretched cos went out to the green house after i found out it was male didn't want it pollanating my female.

I made hash out of 3 male plants just Yesterday, each over 9' or 10' tall, didnt have bubble bags, just put in brown bags and froze then in a bucket with ice and water and stirred and bleneded and let gravity settle it all poured off water again and agin til I had a pile of what looked like baby shit, dried a bit wirth blow dryer then rolled around on coffe table til black, 3 plants (entire plant chopped up) only made a hash ball about the size of a paintball, but it worx pretty damn good when toked.


Well-Known Member
Erm no, i live 3 miles from the nearest house, and i'm flooded in at the moment well the road is flooded. I'm house bound you could say till the water goes down lol. I don't fancy going the very very long way round to get into town just not worth the effort cost to much in petrol for starters lol.

Is there not a guy selling weed 20 feet from your house? Why smoke males?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i grinded a bit up, but i think it must still be a bit damp cos some of it got stuck to my grinder, will it matter if it's slightly damp and i grind it all up and put it in a glass jar? Or will it go moldy? I would take the lid off ever few hours to let the mostuire escape. It's been hanging for 7 days so must be nearly dry with how warm it is where i hung it.