why aren't my seeds germinating?


Active Member
hey everybody. so I got a deal on a brick of regggie (real BRICK weed, like smashed, just like coco coir comes in, just a brick) and I took about 20 seeds out. I took out the darkest ones, ones that were like almost black. I separated them into three separate groups, just to see which germination method worked best. I did one group in a glass of water, one group in a paper towel on a plate sitting on top of a cable box (that gets pretty damn hot), then a third group in paper towels on a plate on top of a general hydro heat mat(that doesn't get as hot). Now its been 11 days and none of these fuckers have germinated. Im using tapwater that's phd at 7.0 and I've never had problems germinating before.

Has anyone encountered anything like this with brickweed? Could it be the conditions of how it got to me have caused the seeds to lose their fertility? Are the totally black seeds too ripe or something and should I be using the ones with markings on them instead? I'm just confused. I've had awesome results growing sensi from bricked bud before so please take note of that before you bash me for using bag seed.

any help, as always, is appreciated.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
germination stage is 1-7 days; you will find that sometimes you will find seeds that do not germinate (luck of draw)There are many way to germinate try to keep it as simple as you can. plant seed in soil 1/8 deep and place seed sideways in soil, this will insure your seed to germinate , before planting soak for 12-24 hrs


Active Member
its more like a question of 'could weed be compacted into a brick so hard that it damages the seeds?' that's what i'm wondering. also are the straight black seeds not the best, because there are seeds in all varieties of development here, I just ran the black ones first thinking they were the most mature. Thanks a lot for that link - that's very interesting. I bookmarked it.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
its more like a question of 'could weed be compacted into a brick so hard that it damages the seeds?' that's what i'm wondering. also are the straight black seeds not the best, because there are seeds in all varieties of development here, I just ran the black ones first thinking they were the most mature. Thanks a lot for that link - that's very interesting. I bookmarked it.
From what I have learned from breeding is that the Black ones are the duds. When I breed I have about 15% Black seeds and then 15% Premature seeds then about 70% Just right beans which are dark brown to light brown some have strips some don't.


Active Member
From what I have learned from breeding is that the Black ones are the duds. When I breed I have about 15% Black seeds and then 15% Premature seeds then about 70% Just right beans which are dark brown to light brown some have strips some don't.
that sounds about right. im about o start some of those instead.