Why aren't breeders trying to make strains with zero smell?


Well-Known Member
I agree! Let the terpines abound! We have many options to clean any exhausted air from our gardens to utilize nowdays... So, to me, the stankier, the better... The pleasing scent is half the fun... It tells you alot about what kind of effect your medicine will likely have, as different essential oils(terpines) can and do produce different effects... Who doesn't like a limonene strong, fruity smell with their dank? Who doesn't like that piney scent of pinene? Who wouldn't want to be able to open a jar, and tell their buddy to smell their weed? lol...


my 3 super silver haze hasnt had a smell all through the growth,,,ok its only my 2nd garden & still learning but my plants are comin on 10wk flowering i asked on here but got nowhere so il just wait til i harvest and see what iv got...


New Member
i want my medicine to taste good
"mindless droves"? smoke a joint and lighten up BBC
Yes... mindless droves are the people who think taste is a key to MMJ. Last time I took a good antibotic that worked well tasted like shit, but you know it worked and relieved my pain/ailement. So... Lighten up...? What the hell are you talking about. Obviously you haven't been in the MMJ seen long, as it has turned into what flavor I can grow, instead of the whole concept of medical cannabis to help patients with ailments and it's properties. It's more about oh that tasted like "blueberry" or "mango" crap can kiss my ass, as taste does nothing for why I am a MMJ user.

I do like it to taste well, but as a key factor no. If it is to you, then you probably should re-think your medical status also. So why don't you tighten up and think for change instead of losing up and maybe you can see where you have gone off track.


Well-Known Member
Yes... mindless droves are the people who think taste is a key to MMJ. Last time I took a good antibotic that worked well tasted like shit, but you know it worked and relieved my pain/ailement. So... Lighten up...? What the hell are you talking about. Obviously you haven't been in the MMJ seen long, as it has turned into what flavor I can grow, instead of the whole concept of medical cannabis to help patients with ailments and it's properties. It's more about oh that tasted like "blueberry" or "mango" crap can kiss my ass, as taste does nothing for why I am a MMJ user.

I do like it to taste well, but as a key factor no. If it is to you, then you probably should re-think your medical status also. So why don't you tighten up and think for change instead of losing up and maybe you can see where you have gone off track.
lol whoa nelly lol that's what i am saying i enjoy the taste. i am a 45 yo professional with titanium parts so you don't need to preach this way ;-)


Well-Known Member
It's the essential oils in cannabis that r responsible for the smells, which attract predators in the wild, to keep grazing animals and other pests away... And, it is in these essential oils, otherwise known as terpines, that many of the different renowned effects lie... NO smell comes from the resin glands, or trichomes, it is in the oils... Therefore, if a plant has no smell, it CAN still be an awesome high, because of the THC in the trich's and stigma's, but if it doesn't have any essential oils, then it won't smell much, if any. Ed Rosenthal talks all about it in his 25th Ed. Marijuana Grower's Handbook... Simple... But, since I use it for medical reasons mainly, I would rather it have all these different and awesome smelling terpines line pinene, and limonene, to name a few... If smell is an issue, then just use a carbon filter, or seal that shit up better, but don't breed out the oils that make this such an amazing and one-of-a-KIND, horticultural gem... Those "tastes" people often scoff at as unimportant, r often alot of the reason the medicine affects them in the wonderful ways it can, to relieve pain, stress, high blood pressure, etc, etc... So, don't be too quick to disregard smells as having nothing to do with the medicinal values of cannabis... Because it has everything to do with it...


Active Member
I guess is what I would really want are maybe 4 or 5 strains with zero odor for stealth outdoor or indoor grows. I still like the really smelly ones.
If you have ever grown Blue Moonshine it smells the best when cured!

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
It's the essential oils in cannabis that r responsible for the smells, which attract predators in the wild, to keep grazing animals and other pests away... And, it is in these essential oils, otherwise known as terpines, that many of the different renowned effects lie... NO smell comes from the resin glands, or trichomes, it is in the oils... Therefore, if a plant has no smell, it CAN still be an awesome high, because of the THC in the trich's and stigma's, but if it doesn't have any essential oils, then it won't smell much, if any. Ed Rosenthal talks all about it in his 25th Ed. Marijuana Grower's Handbook... Simple... But, since I use it for medical reasons mainly, I would rather it have all these different and awesome smelling terpines line pinene, and limonene, to name a few... If smell is an issue, then just use a carbon filter, or seal that shit up better, but don't breed out the oils that make this such an amazing and one-of-a-KIND, horticultural gem... Those "tastes" people often scoff at as unimportant, r often alot of the reason the medicine affects them in the wonderful ways it can, to relieve pain, stress, high blood pressure, etc, etc... So, don't be too quick to disregard smells as having nothing to do with the medicinal values of cannabis... Because it has everything to do with it...
Regarding terpines, recent studies suggest that terpines interact with thc, and also help to "flavor" the high itself. Seems a reasonable enough theory to me.


Well-Known Member
Yep! They all work in conjunction with one another, and your theory is quite sound... Without one, how can the others be all that they r suppossed to be?
Regarding terpines, recent studies suggest that terpines interact with thc, and also help to "flavor" the high itself. Seems a reasonable enough theory to me.