Why are these fans SO much cheaper than the others on the same site


Well-Known Member
these fans are for boosting airflow in long runs of duct. they don't have a whole lot of power. they bassically "assist" the larger inline blowers. i would not trust one of these for light cooling but maybe as an intake.


Active Member
really depends wat ur trying to control.. if u go to homedepot.. u can get a 10 in or a 12 in.. exhuast fan for 130 bucks.. that is rated at 1400cfm.. .. theres al sorts of cheap ways to cool..


Active Member
and for a 250 hps.. u mite be able to get away with it.. i had a 6inch on a cooltube... for a 400 wat in a 2x2x4 box and it was fine.


Well-Known Member
I use the 6-inch version from HTG for an intake. It's a cheaply made fan...rattles a bit, but it gets the job done. It doesn't have the power to do much more than boost the intake or outtake. It shouldn't be your main ventilation fan.