Why are there holes in my leaves?


Well-Known Member
Any ideas without a million questions? Havn't checked my ph but it's been varied. Lights have been varied, soil has varied, airflow and temps and humidity have varied, lights have varied, fed with superthrive, vinegar, h202, mainly distilled water but i mixed in some spring to raise the ph a little and keep a balance while trying to kill aphids and give oxygen to prevent and fix overwatering n other such mishaps. Meh, now I kinda feel like answering questions but I'd like to know specifically about the random holes n yellowishness, cheers, thanks in advance for the input!



Well-Known Member
I said lights varied twice, I meant I changed around the lights and a bit of the schedule as well, waking and closing them a couple hours sooner or later, sometimes/mostly they were 24/7 I just switched to about 16/8 a few days ago.


Well-Known Member
Vinegar is acidic so that could be dropping your soil ph too low and locking out nutes that the plant needs. I don't know how much your using, but that's an idea. But I'm no expert, just trying to help.


Well-Known Member
Vinegar is acidic so that could be dropping your soil ph too low and locking out nutes that the plant needs. I don't know how much your using, but that's an idea. But I'm no expert, just trying to help.
I was thinking it may have just gotten on the leaves, but some looked almost grown into..I added vinegar to lower the ph cause my water was like 7 or so and it looked like a mag deficiency at the time. Appreciate the help dude.


Well-Known Member
Now I've got some dead new growth? Lmao I've never seen a grow this strange before, these plants are interesting.. First brown growth is like.. Limp and wet, makes sense I forgot to leave the internal fan on last night but there's normal growth on the other side. The other one is a strong sturdy nub where I topped it, I feel like it's gonna grow 2 tops in itself lol funky stuff..20190610_180602.jpg 20190610_180301.jpg 20190610_180316.jpg 20190610_180449.jpg



Well-Known Member
Get rid of the bugs, keep temp/rh in range and let her heal up with just tap water.

If your tap is high in minerals you can cut it with a different supply, at a pH of 7, no need to force it down unless your growing in cheap useless soil.


Well-Known Member
Any advice of getting rid of the bugs?? I don't think they're hurting the plants right now but I'm afraid to switch to flower with them in there.. I don't see anything flying around or on the leaves, just these a few bugs running around in the soil after watering. I tried spraying with Dawn, vinegar, h202, and then Dr. Earth's final stop I gave a fairly solid couple sprays all over the soil. Had some fly paper hanging but I havn't seen any flyers, just a few really when I first started. Think these crawlers are a problem before I switch to 12/12??