Why are the stems on my Clones are bending?!


Active Member
I cut some clones off my mother plant yesterday night, put them in my rubbermaid cloner, and today I noticed the stems are bent in an "L" shape.

Are my clones going to be OK? What makes them bend like that?
I've sucessfully cloned sativa plants in the same set-up, but the stems never bent like these indica clones did.:?

Any insight is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
They should be ok...If you can get them under a humidity dome...that wouyld be ideal.

Most clones will wilt a bit for a day or two after cutting if the humidity is low. Thats why clone trays/domes/heatmat work so well.

If you're a spender....You can buy the no-wilt stuff from a garden center/hydroshop.

Sometimes they'll perk up on their own without the humidity dome....But the dome almost makes it certain that they will.

Again....Your cutting should be fine.