Why are pistils growing when the lights are still on 18/6?


Hey guys,

I rememever reading that plants dont show sex until a few weeks into flowering?!
So why is my 5 week old plant already showing alot pistils? I tried to a little research on preflowers and tried to determine sexx but I'm Gettin no where.
Can anyone help me with whats goin on?
ok so whats going on is your plants are showing their sex. there is nothing to worry about. all mj plants show around 3-6 weeks into growing from seed. it is merely a sign of maturity. so again no worries.


phewwww. thank goodness.. i was hoping they hadnt somehow gone into flowering lol. any idea how to keep the humidity up in my grow room? unfortunatly it falls to 35% !! and its winter season here so the air is extra dry :(


Active Member
Depends on what your cultivating. My Autoflowers showed pistils at 4 weeks and have since violently thrown pistils and are swelling nice.


Well-Known Member
Chansharp, This would be a good time to up the nutrients.

You have simply entered the Pre-flowering phase

Duration: 1 day to 2 weeks. Also called 'the stretch' during veg.

In most plants will last for 10–14 days after switching the light cycle to 12/12.

The plant development increases dramatically, with the plant doubling in size or more.

The production of more branches and nodes occurs in this stage as the structure for flowering is built.

The plant will start to show calyx that appear where the branches meet the stem (nodes).

Pre-flowering indicates that the plant is ready to flower.

Well autos are different. they dont need any change in the light schedule to get them to flower. they are the only ones who just start flowering.

i second marijuananation with what he said. the grow is explosive!

as far as humidity you should really have a cool humidifier and that will help a lot for the humidity.


well i am almost 100% positive they are not auto-flowers.. cuz i just found these seeds in my lbs and hope for good genetics.. i konw the lbs i get are fantastic lol