why are only half my plants growing? day 35 flower +PICS


Active Member
im growing 9 plants from bagseed, tomorrow will be the start of week 6 of flowering. about half the plants are growing normally, but the other half looks like theyve just stopped growing. the healthy ones are getting nice fat buds, but the ones in question look like theyre only a week or two into flower. what could cause this?

oh and ps i know 2 of them have a Ca deficiency, im getting some lime today to take care of it.

pics 2-4 are the ones that arent really growing (4 is the really short one in the back middle) and the others are the normal ones



Well-Known Member
At least 2 phenotypes or strains here ,the tall ones look more sativa-like and the short ones more indica-like. Just relax they should be OK if you solve that issue with the leaves curling.


Well-Known Member
Bagseed Sumtimes Hes Unwanted Genetics It Could Be The Strain Was For Outdoors Cultivation,but Who Knows For Sure....

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
They were bad seeds right? Then they could have come from another strain and the seller just dumped them in to add weight. But for the most part your plants look good. However you might want to add some SuperThrive or Floralicious Plus just to pert them up a bit.



Active Member
pH is between 6.2 and 6.7. and now that you mention it those that arent growing as fast do seem to have skinnier leaves and are taller, so i guess they just have more sativa than the others.

any ideas on why the one in the second pic has curling leaves? its not due to watering i know that for a fact, and i dont think its too close to the light cause some of the others are closer. thanks for the replies


Well-Known Member
pH is between 6.2 and 6.7. and now that you mention it those that arent growing as fast do seem to have skinnier leaves and are taller, so i guess they just have more sativa than the others.

any ideas on why the one in the second pic has curling leaves? its not due to watering i know that for a fact, and i dont think its too close to the light cause some of the others are closer. thanks for the replies
They are sativas. They will fatten up in the 7 to 8 week mark. By then you will harvest the others and make more room for them. That plant in question may not like the amount of nutes ya gave them, but the others like it.


Active Member
They are sativas. They will fatten up in the 7 to 8 week mark. By then you will harvest the others and make more room for them. That plant in question may not like the amount of nutes ya gave them, but the others like it.
theyre not even growing though, i mean the top colas are smaller than the ones on the lowest banches of the bigger ones. i havent seen any burn at all, maybe i should up its nutes a little?