Why are my plants trning colors?


Well-Known Member
At this point, I've started flushing (X's3) with 6.5 water, then hit w/your bloom ferts (full strength) and 5-1-1 Alaskan Fish Fert (1 TB per gallon) to supply enough nitrogen for the rest of your grow.
Cured my yellowing shortly into 12/12 woes.


Well-Known Member
looks like your reflective material may be causing hot spots
i'm not sure tho...
what kinda light are u using?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Sorry! Its very hard to see whats up with the color of your pics but my guess is you need to add some CalMag to your nutes or spray with epsom salts. You probably have a magnesium deficency.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes when i dilute my nutes with water and magnesium sulfate (epsom salt)
I put a drop or two of lime or lemon juice to adjust the PH (they also have trace calcium elements)