Why are my plants sad? (pics and info)


Active Member
I start feeding about 1 week before flowering -FF Open Sesame. You did good by waiting. Just dont let them dry out so much. PEOPLE SHOULD READ THE WHOLE THREAD BEFORE GIVING ADVICE. I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS SHIT EVERY TIME ON THIS SITE! Sorry Sky. Keep ph in check and your plants will be fine bro.


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmm lr2. i love it, you love it........

feel free to pm me if you have any questions, hydro or dirt lr2.

your yellow leaves........... there's nothing wrong with those leaves, your starting to flower, stress is carried to the bottom fan leaves.

you have a healthy lowryder#2, the branching isn't quite as nice as it should be.... i should say... like mine get, but she's good to go.

i water with tap water, i fill a five gallon bucket and let it sit for a week so the chlorine evaporates. your lr2's aren't gunna be too ph sensitive. keep your ferts at at least half the recomended strength until week 6!!!!!! then go full on then flush.

the first pic is mom, for my second seed run. she is 7.5 inches and was topped to fit into the pollination station.

the second is around week 5-6. this plant was smoked after being chopped at week 9.5

