Why are my leaves going up?

hey guys,

this plant is autoflowering lowryder 2. Its almost one month old. Its under a 100w cfl on a 20/4 cycles and the plant is 3 inches under the light. I got orchid nuts which its still getting grow. and a decent soil.

WHy are my leaves pointing up like this? what does it mean. Its my first grow so Im kinda clueless. plus the plant is still really small.DSC06753.jpgDSC06752.jpgDSC06751.jpg


yo dude u cant have any light get to the roots so change that pot !! and most of the time when the leafs are "pointing up" not "curling up" it can actully mean your plant is quite healthy and normal. if not then it could be a sign that the temps are getting a bit to high. do you no what the temp is ?? anything above 80 F can kill your plant !!! Im a total noob at growing but i hope this helped dude :)


Active Member
I wondered the same thing when my seedlings did that but they are fine. Its a good thing. Its only bad if they curl away from the light.


Well-Known Member
How are you getting drainage in that peanut butter jar. That thing is a fuckin midget. Get it out put it in a pot with holes and get some veg hydro nutes into it, not orchid food. Put the fluro closer and always 24/0 for autos.


Active Member
You do need drainage but that size is not really a problem for seedlings. Mines are three weeks old living in a water bottle I cut in half


Well-Known Member
yo dude u cant have any light get to the roots so change that pot !! and most of the time when the leafs are "pointing up" not "curling up" it can actully mean your plant is quite healthy and normal. if not then it could be a sign that the temps are getting a bit to high. do you no what the temp is ?? anything above 80 F can kill your plant !!! Im a total noob at growing but i hope this helped dude :)
Anything above 80 won't kill your plants... lame comment dude.
my temps were in the 100s at times and my plants never died... think about what you said. outdoor grows wouldn't exist if this were true. stay high


Well-Known Member
he has something wrapped around glass container you can tell in pic 3... still need drainage. if you don't have a pot use a 2 liter bottle or a super big gulp from 7-11. cut some holes in the bottom for drainage. although you can get gal pots at the hardware store for a buck. stay high


Active Member
Imho I think u need all the neccesary material first before u start to grow. Pots. What nutes ur gonna run. Ph balancing equipment or supplements. Light etc...... and the basic information on how to grow. Not to knock u. Everyone on this site has been where u r now. And ur gonna have ppl b short rude and juss plain asses to u fot not knowing all ur stuff. I still don't know everything for the whole 5 years I've been doing it. Newho ill wrap this up with u need to learn the basics and fundamental then invest in thematerials then experiments. Ad even after all this ur gonna have problems. Shit happens gl man
lright thanks guys. I'm gonna transplant her soon. Probably get a better light too.. mayber a bigger cfl. What are some good nuts to feed her?


Active Member
How are you getting drainage in that peanut butter jar. That thing is a fuckin midget. Get it out put it in a pot with holes and get some veg hydro nutes into it, not orchid food. Put the fluro closer and always 24/0 for autos.

PMSL well said.....