Why are my leaves doing this!!!???


Well-Known Member
It started on 1 leaf and now its on a few. I was tryin to figure out if it was nute burn. the reason i say that it because i was giving fert every watering and it say's to use every other watering. One of the leaves is also turning yellowish- green. any help is greatly appreciated.:peace::joint::joint::joint:



Active Member
looks like it could be nute burn but also could be a calcium magnesium deficiency. i think i was seeing the same thing with my plants. do the tips turn brownish black? how old are they are they vegging?

do your plants roots sit in stagnant water a lot?


Well-Known Member
Yea, it started on the bottom fan leaves. @ farmer ninja, so would using cal-mag straighten it out. Because that's what i've been using. and yes the tips curl down and look like they're burnt on the ends.


Active Member
did u just start using cal mag or have you been using it the whole time? also silica blast by botanicare is great to strengthen up your plants use it every watering throughout the plants life. it will keep up those buds when they start to get heavy!


Well-Known Member
Haven't started flowering as of yet. ladies are 10" tall, tryna wait till i can clone 2 of them. (2 yumbolt-47, 1 BB Cheese) Is the silica blast like superthrive? And i've been using the cal-mag according to the directions on the bottle.

Brick Top

New Member
It was a bit hard to tell precisely where on the plant(s) the leaves were but judging by what size they appeared to be I was guessing lower half, maybe lower third of the plant(s).

It is clear that it is happening between the veins. I could not tell if it started along the middle/main vein and spread here and there or just showed up randomly but it is between the veins on what are not new leaves so that means two likely causes are Mg – MAGNESIUM or Mn – MANGANESE.

If Mg. lower leaves will yellow and may even turn white while veins remain dark green. Blades die and curl upward.

In three for sure and maybe on all four pictures that looked fairly like part of the symptoms. While there were not many places where there were brown spots on both sides of veins of the few where there was the vein still appeared to be fairly green. I did not see any white, though that should show up later, and even though I did not see leaves curling upward it could still be a Mg. deal in the earlier stages.

If Mn. necrotic and yellow spots will form on top leaves. Mn deficiency occurs when large amounts of Mg are present in the soil.

On top leaves, not on the tops of leaves, so since your effected leaves did not appear to be top/upper leaves I think that can be ruled out … if I am correct in guessing the general effected leaf location.

Now if it is K - POTASSIUM thingy the affected plants are usually the tallest and appear to be most vigorous. Necrotic spots form on lower leaves. Red stems. Leaves appear pale or yellow. A fix is add chemical fertilizer containing K.

Other than just calling what I saw in the pictures necrotic spotting I can’t say I saw any of the rest mentioned, but with them being your plants you might have noticed something the lens did not pick up or maybe you will first see it tomorrow or saw it a few days ago and it did not strike you at the time, anyway if is looks like the above, then you might have hit a bullseye, but I would not hold my breath waiting to be sure.

If it were an Iron problem the leaves on growing shoots would turn pale and veins remain dark green. pH imbalances make iron insoluble. A fix is a foliar feed with chemical fertilizer containing Fe or rusty water. Other than the veins remaining dark it isn’t close so ignore that one.

A Zinc problem would cause white areas first on leaf tips and then between veins. One picture had an odd coloring to it and it almost looked slightly white, but I figured it was just the lighting, but if the brown spots began as white and first at the leaf tips it could be a possibility, but only one of low probability.

Think back over the last few days or a week and see if you can remember a beginning, as in the bottom third of the plant(s) or the middle third, etc. What sort of progression followed? Did it remain more or less on that level or did it spread upwards or did it spread downwards or did it just seem to head off in random directions, both up and down at about the same time? Did you change anything lately, a mixture amount, even just slightly? Do you have a cat and if so could it have sprayed the plant(s), or might you have sprayed the plant(s)? I won't ask the same about a wife or girlfriend or whoever. Just about anything might hold a key bit of information even if it might seem trivial.

That is getting close to being just as far as my brain can take me at the moment those are the most common problems that in any way, even remotely, could be connected to what I could see in the pictures. With luck one of the above might describe something that rings a bell in your head and you say, yep, that’s just how it happened, just like that …. and that one will be your answer …... that is IF it is up there to be found.

Brick Top

New Member
Haven't started flowering as of yet. ladies are 10" tall, tryna wait till i can clone 2 of them. (2 yumbolt-47, 1 BB Cheese) Is the silica blast like superthrive? And i've been using the cal-mag according to the directions on the bottle.
Unless you have used SuperThrive during flowering before and was pleased as punch I would suggest if you are using it you should stop using it a bit before you go into flower and if you are not using it, don't start now. One of SuperThrive’s key selling points to lawn type gardeners is it makes plants flower longer. It slows down or draws out the period of time a flower survives from the time it begins to open until it is fully ripe and spent. Now that is great if you want to look at pretty colors longer but it will work the same with female marijuana flowers, the buds. It is sort of a double-edged sword in that during the longer drawn out flowering time you will gain some growth and that of course tips the scale down a little farther on the one side when everything is done. The negative is if you want an 8 week strain you likely won’t want to have to wait a few extra weeks to harvest.

I will not say it will always add that amount of time but I used it twice, two grows in a row, from seedling through flush right up to the final watering and both times it took every bit of, if not slightly more that two weeks longer to finish than the breeder information and one of the strains I had grown before and that time it finished very close to the breeder information, but the second time it wasn’t close.

Buds swelled and the trichomes swelled until they looked like they would burst … but they stayed totally clear forever and once they began to cloud it was very slow.

If you have used it in the past and are using it now and like it … then by all means stick with it. If you are not using it, don't pick now to give it a go. If you are using it and it is just something you just decided to try for the heck of it to see if it helps and really don't know what to expect ..... you might want to weigh the above and then decide how much longer you might want to continue to use it.

Lastly, if I am so high that none of the above is actually applicable to anything that had previously been said, then please pardon my intrusion.

I only added that last bit because it seems to happen to me now and then.


Active Member
Your ph is definately too high,you get those kinds of burns in the middle when your solution is too acidic, You have a lot of problems going on,too much nitrogen your leaves are way too dark green, that is not a (mg) deficiency, and mg deficiency is a brown burn that appears in the same area's as your burns but looks like rust,and is known by growers as the "(rust)". You need to test your ph more often,and don't overfertalize, fertalize every other watering which is like every 6-14 days. How you fix this problem is easy you need to do a complete flush with 3 times the amount of your medium in (gallons). After your flush get your ph right and let your medium dry out before you fertalize and water again,but when you do, fertalize at a quarter strength. Goodluck, Oregon The Chronic State.


Well-Known Member
Being tha i'm a noob. this is ma first time using any of this stuff. lol But i've been using it since the beginning. Don't really know what it does, but everyone says that its good for the ladies. so i got it! smh is it kewl for me to send u a pm? @BrickTop;