Why are my bag seed Gorilla Glue flowering in June?


Active Member
As the title says, I bought a zip of some FIRE gorilla glue and found some seeds in the buds. I decided to pop 5 on 4/16/20, and thinned them down to 2 females.

Ive placed the 2 females in my greenhouse along side my veggies, and this week I noticed they have begun to flower. This is quite puzzling to me as its June and the natural light cycle shouldnt cause this.

Could the bad seed have been autoflower? Will male/herm auto flower plants produce autoflower seeds?

One of my buddies seems to thinks afternoon shade could be the culprit?

Im at work this morning, but will post up a few pics soon

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
What light schedule were you growing them in before you put them outside?

If you were growing with anything above 15/9, it's likely the plants will flower, re-veg, then flower again, due to the suns more limited daily availability.