Why are members like King Bong tolerated?

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Well-Known Member
lol speaking of whores.........
pizza guy smarts walks in
"u guys ordered the the round and golden brown and the big gulp?"
bow chica wow wow lol


Well-Known Member
So after being away from RUI, i've made a return. Some of my old favorites, ViRedd, Ccodaine still lurk, but every once in awhile they at least offer some growing advice. Then I came across King Bong. He's started something like 10 threads, all of them all political, all anti-obama, and most racist, including titles like "monkey boy". One of which has already been closed. There are political forums, lots of them. Why is he here? Why do we tolerate it? Sure, some of us discuss politics while helping eachother grow herb, but have we sunk to allowing racist hate speech to be repeated consistently without reprimand? I certainly hope not, and I hope the moderators would want better for RUI.

i like his opinion like yours should be respected no matter how much someone finds it distastful or idiotic. as long as he keeps his political threads in the political section(somewhere where i never go :]) were all good
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