why are hermies bad?


New Member
ok. forgive me if im misunderstanding, but theres a lot to process about my new....interest...here. if a hermaphrodite plant produces feminized seeds and you can still smoke the buds, whats the big deal with havin one in youre home grow? i understand commercial, but it seems everyone hates the hermies...


Active Member
There isn't anything wrong with hermies. I'm hoping my plant hermies so I don't have to buy seeds. Even though the seeds will most likely be hermie. I do not mind :)


Active Member
You are propagating the hermaphroditic trait. Yes, the seeds it produces are female but chances are she will pop at least 1 nanner and that can pollinate your entire crop. Seed production slows resin/thc production. In a couple generations, you will have female plants that produce male flowers to pollinate them selves consistently.