Why are girls that smoke pot are ten times hotter than non-smokers.


Well-Known Member
honestly it doesnt matter if they smoke or not. hell it doesnt even matter if there hot or not. by the time we are all 40 the playing field will level out a lot and if you chose your girl based on looks not personality you may be in for a long and bumpy ride or an early break up.
i use to look for girls based on the outside but it bit me in the ass too many times as a kid...so now as an adult im not so narrow minded.

a lot of people are gonna be in for a shock when their supermodel gf looks like an old anorexic hag with tits hanging 2 the floor lol

also ive learned (as a general rule of thumb) the most attractive people on the outside have the ugliest personalities.

You know what I like the most about smoking with a guy? That sexy blowback thing lol. Like they take a hit and blow the smoke into your mouth...I love that shit...
lol ive done this so much. also a good way to get high without ruining your throat.


Well-Known Member
I use to look for girls based on the outside but it bit me in the ass too many times as a kid...so now as an adult im not so narrow minded.

A lot of people are gonna be in for a shock when their supermodel gf looks like an old anorexic hag with tits hanging 2 the floor lol

also ive learned (as a general rule of thumb) the most attractive people on the outside have the ugliest personalities.

Lol ive done this so much. Also a good way to get high without ruining your throat.
shotgun little buddy!


Well-Known Member
i use to look for girls based on the outside but it bit me in the ass too many times as a kid...so now as an adult im not so narrow minded.

a lot of people are gonna be in for a shock when their supermodel gf looks like an old anorexic hag with tits hanging 2 the floor lol

also ive learned (as a general rule of thumb) the most attractive people on the outside have the ugliest personalities.

lol ive done this so much. also a good way to get high without ruining your throat.
yeah and its funny how when you hook up with that stunner but after putting up with them for a month or 2 you start to find there appearance not so appealing anymore. i find i do anyway. and vice versa i have met chicks that are just average looking but after talking to them for a little while you start to notice just how attractive they appear when nothing has changed except your perception of them.
Girls that smoke pot are sexy, because they're usually the ones that are open about themselves. In my experience, a pothead chick with a good head on her shoulders will nurture and respect you more than a chick with pot issues. Girls that ignore guys just because they smoke are a huge turn-off, even if they're sexy. :hump:


Well-Known Member
woman in general are beautiful creatures, and when they do something that you enjoy as well, it makes them that more attractive.

ever notice how woman you have things in common with, whether its sports or reading or the same style of music, you tend to be a little more attracted to them? I know it's true for me.


New Member
I would love nothing more than to meet a cute skinny chick that smokes grass. If she grew it, omg i'd be in heaven. I love pot head chicks sooooooooooo much! Ya i'm a little faded. Just sayin. lol:leaf:
Well... Having a good fade?
Alright, i must admit that guys usually find girls that are pot smokers more attractivr. But not all pot smoker chicks are attractive. Some just totally let go of their appearance for example.
So the skinny cute chick your searching is well hidden but worth it i suppose


Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Simple. I can smoke a joint while hitting it from the back with a pothead chick. And pass it to her when I'm done with it (don't share joints during sex, things end up in mouths that you don't wanna taste lol) the hard part is multitasking lol


Well-Known Member
A chick that smokes privately for her own health? She knows whats up.

A chick that smokes and snaps 20 pics a day of herself smoking/dabbing? Turn off for me, as im not into women who feel they have something to prove with "pot pictures" its rather irritating.