Why are dealers so unreliable


Well-Known Member
So my buddy got a quarter for me yesterday. I couldn't pick it up last night so he said I could grab it today. Well he is doing something with some other people so he says he *might* be able to drop it off tonight (I am not counting on it) and then says he has plans Saturday.

So I am stuck sober here :-?


Well-Known Member
Not all dealers are unreliable and if this guy you use is so unreliable why do you continue to use him? even still shit happens that why it is usally best to have a "back up" person to go to


Well-Known Member
Dealers are people who have lives too... I mean... If you were headed out to a party or some other occasion, would you wanna be burdened with dropping off a quarter at a friends house that was out of the way? I ALWAYS go pick my shit up, so no one can bullshit me around. Even then, sometimes he isn't home or in the area, so I call another person, or just wait it out. "Dealers" aren't waiting around for someone to call for weed. At least my guy isnt. It's just a little extra money on the side for him.


Well-Known Member
i know about 5 people for anything i want and if they dont come threw fuck em cause its just money they are losing for being lazy , but just a quarter? thats only 25$ i wouldnt be in a rush to get it to you either now if your buying q after q and they aint comin threw then you should be like hey your a lazy shitty ass drug dealer YOUR FIRED!


Well-Known Member
Man.. a quarter for 25 bucks? I wish... Come live on the West Coast and find out how much a quarter is.


Well-Known Member
Buying anything but weed, I would expect some service. But if you're buying quarters for 25 bucks I would be late too.


Well-Known Member
I was willing to meet him or go get it. He is more of a friend with a source. I got it though, all is well.


Well-Known Member
for those overpaying come to houston halfs for 25 oz for 40 qps for 100-110 pounds for 200-220 as for half pounds i wouldnt know ive never bought half


Active Member
Rob, if that's true I'm gonna have to insist you take my address! Haha

Around here it's completely unreliable, nearly every time it's a different person.. Delays happen, as said, they've got lives and plans too! But I completely understand where you're coming from, that's everyday for me!

You prolly won't beleive this, but a half Oz here, (can sometime be good, but for the past 2 years been nothing but grit/wax) is €200! The norm is to get a 50 bag (1/8th) and split it (€25 for what's a 1/16th). And If I read that right, I could get a pound cheaper than a half Oz! That it rediculous!! I can't take how expensive it is here, it costs like €7.55 for a twenty pack of smokes too, so each blip is costing you nearly €7-8! What's that in dollars!? According to Xe.com it's $311 a half, that's pretty much 11 dollars a J!! If somebody sold everything half price, with a steady supply, they would get everybody in the country wanting some!

I just wanna cry after hearing those figures..

And the thing is, demand is there, I don't know how, with our recent economic boom a nice supply hasn't come flooding in (alongside the new members of the Eu - not presuming anything, just thought word would spread)!

When I see some of the grows on here, especially some of the high wattage or outdoor grows, I just see heaven, I mean there would be millions of euro in each harvest! (not suggesting anything!)

And as someone who smokes regularly (partly for relaxing, partly because of pains) I have made these observations over time, and just can't beleive how nothing's changed! I've been tempted to start a small grow, just something to keep my mind away the shams the roam the streets of my city! Even just enough to fill the gaps between getting ripped here. It's just so expensive to do anything here it's rediculous!


Well-Known Member
Man.. a quarter for 25 bucks? I wish... Come live on the West Coast and find out how much a quarter is.
hell yeah the shit you guys pay by the gram i get by the bags for $50 a 1/4 and the good mids for $25 a 1/4

people rip you off in big citys


New Member
having a medical marijuana card is the best thing that happened to me plus i hit up delivery service clinics only so i never have to leave my house its awesome........


Well-Known Member
:joint:Man, I quit fucking around with dealers 4 years ago. I found this site, lurked for 6 months and steped into growing stealth in my garage. I hav'nt bought from scumbag dealers in a long time and don't plan on it. Once you get your first grow you will get so much better at it. Yea I smoked shit weed for 2 months but after that the bud I am producing now is worth it. 5 plant DWC rubbermaid 12 gallon 4 12 " airstone with
400 w/ digital ballast in a/c 4x4 closed in room. Its nice to harvest your own weed and know its good shit.:blsmoke::joint: