Why America Must Prosecute War Crimes


New Member
:lol: virtual threats? :lol: Please.....

What criminal acts have I carried out? :lol: your accuracy rating is still dead on..... zero! :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
:lol: virtual threats? :lol: Please.....

What criminal acts have I carried out? :lol: your accuracy rating is still dead on..... zero! :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
I believe you were saying I'd end up in prison. I wonder why you'd say that. I must assume you have some guilt or are just plain crazy, I'm leaning towards crazy. The puddin thing was a joke, get it. What did you say your address was, I'd like to send you a gift, free.


New Member
Maybe I'm just better at reading insinuation than you are at writing it :lol:

Yah, I'm crazy ... crazy like a fox....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Maybe I'm just better at reading insinuation than you are at writing it :lol:

Yah, I'm crazy ... crazy like a fox....

out. :blsmoke:
There you go with that superior attitude again. People like you that go around bragging about how smart they are are kinda like guys that go around bragging about the size of their dicks, all bullshit. You are a hero in your own mind.


New Member
I see part of your problem is reading comprehension.... work on that a bit..... your perceptions are being altered from the printed word....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This is a case of the blind leading the blind.... well done.

The hague.... that one made me chuckle...ty med

out. :blsmoke:
What's funny about this?

Bush and a number of his staff SHOULD face trial at the Hague.

If they're innocent of War Crimes they'll be judged as such, right.....?


New Member
What's funny about this?

Bush and a number of his staff SHOULD face trial at the Hague.

If they're innocent of War Crimes they'll be judged as such, right.....?

You are aware of course that the Hague is the center of the EU, not the US, nor the UN. We are not part of the EU (thank G*D)..... Iraq is not in europe..... so I'm failing to see the connection of the Hague.....please elaborate.

If the Hague, i.e. the EU wishes to arbitrate over our national security.... (u can't be serious) ... then I suggest they start paying for their own defense..... or is that too much to ask?

That's it...we'll let the Hague run war trials on world TV and in return they can pay for their own defense systems. Throw that one by them and watch their principles VANISH AWAY..... funny stuff.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You are aware of course that the Hague is the center of the EU, not the US, nor the UN. We are not part of the EU (thank G*D)..... Iraq is not in europe..... so I'm failing to see the connection of the Hague.....please elaborate.

If the Hague, i.e. the EU wishes to arbitrate over our national security.... (u can't be serious) ... then I suggest they start paying for their own defense..... or is that too much to ask?

That's it...we'll let the Hague run war trials on world TV and in return they can pay for their own defense systems. Throw that one by them and watch their principles VANISH AWAY..... funny stuff.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
The Hague is where Bush should be Tried, much in the same Saddam Hussain was.

Bush has killed FAR more Iraqi's and is a far bigger threat to world security than Saddam Hussain EVER WAS.


You think we NEED your 'Defense Systems', the only thing we need defending from is your Shitty Country and the even shitter effect that you're having on the world.

Don't worry though I don't judge to too harshly, I'm sure you feel you're just being a Patriot, just like Citizens of Germany did in the 1930's.... but history tells another story.

The VIOLENT WAR CRIMES your country has commited over the last 8 years barely scratches the surface of the attrocities your country has bought on the world.

Once we have resolved the Financial Crisis your country has CREATED then we can move on the issue of Justice for your crimes.

The only thing more disgusting than what your country has done is the GREED and AVARICE that drives it.



Well-Known Member
It's simple. Republicans said if you don't support the president in a time of war you are a traitor. So now that all the Rush-tards are saying how they hate America and they hope it fails they are all traitors by their own definition.

And if they hate America so much they should go back where they came from.


New Member
The Hague is where Bush should be Tried, much in the same Saddam Hussain was.

Bush has killed FAR more Iraqi's and is a far bigger threat to world security than Saddam Hussain EVER WAS.


You think we NEED your 'Defense Systems', the only thing we need defending from is your Shitty Country and the even shitter effect that you're having on the world.

Don't worry though I don't judge to too harshly, I'm sure you feel you're just being a Patriot, just like Citizens of Germany did in the 1930's.... but history tells another story.

The VIOLENT WAR CRIMES your country has commited over the last 8 years barely scratches the surface of the attrocities your country has bought on the world.

Once we have resolved the Financial Crisis your country has CREATED then we can move on the issue of Justice for your crimes.

The only thing more disgusting than what your country has done is the GREED and AVARICE that drives it.


your arguments are specious and without merit, but carry on if it makes you feel better :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
your arguments are specious and without merit, but carry on if it makes you feel better :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
So jax, does being a "Rushtard" Make you smarter??? Is that how you arrived at that "specious" # 180? ~LOL~, some times you outdo yourself. It must suck to be you!


New Member
Gosh, I haven't listened to radio blah blah blah in years. At some point you need to rise above the din to get clarity. Not just politics by the way....

No, it sure doesn't suk to be me :mrgreen:

Not many people can stop working when they choose to.... but I earned it young so with that come the privileges.... :lol:

Most of my banter is just that....banter. I'm not here to change your minds... but I must correct blather whenever encountered. One of the reasons you and I seem to be together on posts... :mrgreen:

I won't say it suks to be you.... I have no idea. One of our many differences... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Gosh, I haven't listened to radio blah blah blah in years. At some point you need to rise above the din to get clarity. Not just politics by the way....

No, it sure doesn't suk to be me :mrgreen:

Not many people can stop working when they choose to.... but I earned it young so with that come the privileges.... :lol:

Most of my banter is just that....banter. I'm not here to change your minds... but I must correct blather whenever encountered. One of the reasons you and I seem to be together on posts... :mrgreen:

I won't say it suks to be you.... I have no idea. One of our many differences... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
So, you are basically a speculator. If I came to you with a good Idea on how to make money, would you finance it for a percentage? Let me know and I'll start thinking,~LOL~. I'm thinking pimping in Vegas, Cost you about 50 grand start up and the money just rolls in. Of course you'll need an enforcer, Me.


New Member
:lol: no.

The first part of my success was instilled by my grandad... he told me no matter what put 10% of every dollar you earn into investments that grow. If I got 10 dollars from Aunt Anna I put a dollar away... and so on... it adds up quickly. At some point your investments start to put more into the equation than your 10% additions. This is what's known as having the wind at your back.... then it's almost fool proof...almost...it depends on the fool.

The second part is a little harder.... I find out where the herd (you) is headed and I get there first! I follow data, not spin. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Philippe Sands: Guantanamo Bay and Interrogation Rules

From CrooksandLiars ...

Top international lawyer Philippe Sands QC speaks before the House Judiciary Constitution, Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Subcmte. in May last year, states without reservation that war crimes were committed by the most senior members of the Bush administration.
Via AlterNet comes a remarkable piece from John W. Dean, fomer White House counsel to Nixon, who writes that Obama must prosecute bush administration officials and that, if he doesn't, other nations are very likely too. Read the whole thing, but he concludes:
My question is how can the Obama Administration not investigate, and, if appropriate, prosecute given the world is watching, because if they do not, other may do so? How could there be "change we can believe in" if the new administration harbors war criminals – which is the way that Philippe Sands and the rest of the world, familiar with the facts which have surfaced even without an investigation, view those who facilitated or engaged in torture?
One would think that people like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Addington, Gonzales, Yoo, Haynes and others, who claim to have done nothing wrong, would call for investigations to clear themselves if they really believed that to be the case. Only they, however, seem to believe in their innocence – the entire gutless and cowardly group of them, who have shamed themselves and the nation by committing crimes against humanity in the name of the United States.
We must all hope that the Obama Administration does the right thing, rather than forcing another country to clean up the mess and seek to erase the dangerous precedent these people have created for our country.
Great stuff.

Check it out ... 5 min into this 8.5 min video ...

War Criminals!:spew:


New Member
yah, this Gitmo thing is getting "funnier" all the time.

We release Said Ali al-Shihri in 2007 from GITMO under the liberal din of worrying about world opinion (nonsense), he goes back to Saudi Arabia because they agree to put him in a Rehabilitation program for terrorists (no wait it gets even funnier). At this Program, Said is given a money stipend, a room, tennis courts, pools, clothes, and upon "graduation" then promises to not carry out further terrorist ops against the Kingdom. read that last bit again.... against the Kingdom.... The US, why that's ok, just not the Kingdom.

Couple that with him now being in charge of the terrorist cell in Yemen as I type this and is now linked to the attack on the US embassy last year Sept.

We now have our future road map layed out by the liberals. Obama has after one week in office sat down in a Middle East interview for all to see and hear and basically declared "don't ask, don't tell" foreign policy of Clinton (which brought us to 9/11) is back in play.

The Middle eastern leaders now know they do not have to hide in a five foot dirt hole if they misbehave with their neighbors or the United States..... no repercussions other than diplomacy will be initiated.

One week in.....and he just gives it up publicly. No, we shouldn't worry...... lawdy.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I see you've bought into the whole terrorists thing, and I thought you had some humongus IQ. Geeze you are funny. I guess at the 180 point one automatically becomes disturbed. Or maybe that was Max. I find it hard to tell you two righties apart.


New Member
So you're saying what I just posted isn't factual? 100% accurate. Wakey wakey. We are entering dangerous waters indeed.... the slide back on foreign policy will have dire consequences. Bail that out!! :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yah, this Gitmo thing is getting "funnier" all the time.

We release Said Ali al-Shihri in 2007 from GITMO under the liberal din of worrying about world opinion (nonsense), he goes back to Saudi Arabia because they agree to put him in a Rehabilitation program for terrorists (no wait it gets even funnier). At this Program, Said is given a money stipend, a room, tennis courts, pools, clothes, and upon "graduation" then promises to not carry out further terrorist ops against the Kingdom. read that last bit again.... against the Kingdom.... The US, why that's ok, just not the Kingdom.

Couple that with him now being in charge of the terrorist cell in Yemen as I type this and is now linked to the attack on the US embassy last year Sept.

We now have our future road map layed out by the liberals. Obama has after one week in office sat down in a Middle East interview for all to see and hear and basically declared "don't ask, don't tell" foreign policy of Clinton (which brought us to 9/11) is back in play.

The Middle eastern leaders now know they do not have to hide in a five foot dirt hole if they misbehave with their neighbors or the United States..... no repercussions other than diplomacy will be initiated.

One week in.....and he just gives it up publicly. No, we shouldn't worry...... lawdy.

out. :blsmoke:
Only a bushwhacked mind would think diplomacy is bad ... you sure do love to kill people you don't know ...

and I've already posted that the gitmo prisoners going back to terrorism is bullshit ... let see some real prove and not propaganda ... the bush regime was responsible for 911 along with PNAC


New Member
So it doesn't bother you that terrorists are being recycled through the Gitmo closing.... okay fair enuf. It bothers me. It bothers the children.

Check the story urself...u won't find it on moveon.orgy

Bush was in office less than 9 months be4 9/11. It lies squarely with Clinton and the very same foreign policy u now defend. get ready, ur defending has only begun.

out. :blsmoke: