whoud use some help yo


i got this blackberry strain witch is 27 days into flowering and cuz of the fact that i`m using cfl i thought it whould be a good thing to trim the plant as the light was not enought for the bottom of it so i cut down all the lover leaves and stems.

i thought that this process will help my plant get extra buds but since then didn`t grow an inch more :( its same height only the buds are bigger

what should i do ? what do you think ?


Well-Known Member
It was pretty much done growing at that point. It is now focusing on developing the flowers that it has. Not going to get much taller.

I didn't cut my plants and they did the same thing. After about 3 weeks in 12/12 they pretty much stop.


Well-Known Member
hey,,,I grew with cfl's and yeah they dont really do the lower branchs,,what are you feeding???,,you got a flower stim,,cause thats a must,
but on your trimming lower branchs off depend on how much you took off you can shock/stun a plant,any more than 20% in one will shock,,also what I did when I was using cfls, is to let the tops form fully then do a 2 harvest sort of thing,where you take the nuggets from the top an then leave the plant with lower branchs then wait and feed( after a small 5 day flush) for two weeks and you get a smaller 2nd harvest,, but that may not help as you have already taken the lower branchs off,, so yeah as stunk one says keep feeding,not much you can do now,,

take it easy...


Well-Known Member
o,,and from my exp taking lower branchs off will concentrate hormones in the remaining top branchs so it actually make plants grow taller,,


thanks for reply

hell yeah i cut the lower branches and that was about 20% or more of the plant, as you said the plant didn`t grew any taller at all
i feed 5L of tapped water every 3 days (is that schedule oke?) and i add nutes for blomming and other stuff at about 2500-2700 ppm
the plant has actually 6 branches now... and 3 of them are in very good shape, 2 of them got a few buds and the last one has less buds but i added 200 more watts now


next time do not mess with your plant the leaves take in the light and use it for energy
This is true, but if you don't have enough light penetration then the lower branches won't get enough light anyway. Chopping them will concentrate bid growth up top and stresses the plant just enough to try and push out some more resin to protect it. I've had great success with manicuring my plants so the lights can penetrate. The OP is fine. Your biggest yield killer is really gonna be that cfl. You need a lot of light to successfully flower (as in closest to the potential for the particular plant). Unless you run several high wattage (over 100w) cfls at various heights to penetrate through, you can't beat an HPS for the job.