Whose the smartest person you know?


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about in person, you know them in real life. Whose the smartest person you know? Why would you give them this title?

Then, whose the smartest person you can think of alive today?

...whose ever lived?

Just curious to hear some opinions.


Well-Known Member
My pops. If he can deal with what I had to dish out and still know what to do after all these years he's got to be up there with the best of them. I can say honestly, as a grown man, that the only wisdom I cower to is my old man's.


Well-Known Member
You gotta give a guy for instance like Einstein a little credit here. Some of the stuff he thought out is amazing and most people today still quite don't understand many of his theories.. that turn out to be facts.
I know this is a completely other thing, but savants (like Rainman) are just pretty amazing too. I saw the documentary about the dude Rainman is made over. When he reads a book he reads both the left and right page at the same time - puts it together and remembers EVERYTHING word for word. Those guys lack other stuff but it's just incredible what some savants can do.


Well-Known Member
A genre of often intelligent people are comedians. Not like mr. bean, but people who can tell funny stuff in a way that works and make people laugh - but then again - there are soo many comedians that are not funny... or intelligent ;O))


Active Member
Yo pad, you forgot to tell us who yours is!

I think Einstein.
Smartest person I know? My youth leader...been a good friend for years and very knowledgable on a very array set of things.
right now? I like to think Immortal Tech, his metaphors are sick. But idk of anything lol


Well-Known Member
Smartest person whose ever lived...?

Damn that's a tough question but one name that comes to mind is Stephen Hawking. There was a point in his career when he could only mumble (before his voice machine), only a few people could understand him. Unable to write or type, he was doing all the calculations for his theories in his head.


Active Member
well, I took a test recently through csis that ended up showing my brain can process information 7 times faster than normal...which is why they wanted me to join lol. but other than that i would have to say my high school football coach

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
When i'm not blind drunk and slant eyed it's tough to find people who keep up with me. I got called an encyclopaedia the other day. Sounds rather massively big headed lol at the end of the day there are lots of types of smart though so it depends on what you admire. I alsways admire logical, rational thinking, taking it apart and analysing the situation a piece at a time etc.

Smartest person ever, well, i have no freaking idea, Einstein, Hawkins, Tesla, i am not qualified to judge haha

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
My boss that I worked with for a few years in the commodities sector has to be the smartest that I personally know

If I were to say who's the smartest alive today, I would have to say it's either Stephen Hawking or another astrophysicist that he is affiliated with. I mean, the kind of math & concepts involved in quantum physics & other astronomical studies just blows my mind. His book 'A Brief History In Time' really blew my mind when I read it, and it was nice cuz as complex as it can get, it's written in a very general & basic level that can be understood easily by pretty much any reader.

As for smartest ever ... It's hard to say. The men today are building off the ideas, concepts, & results of studies of histories previous smartest men, and therefore have a big headstart over any of the other men who helped discover the core of where we are today in techonology and whatnot. I say this, because I still believe Stephen Hawking could go down as one of the smartest men to ever live and the Einstein of our day, but again, this is a man who studied Einstein as a kid to this day, so in a way Einstein is living within him knowledge-wise, and should deserve credit as possibly being the smartest man ever consider the current day & resources available to him at the time.

Good question to ask! I like it


Well-Known Member
hitler......... he talked a whole nation at that time a serious world power to going to war for him
[germany}........... sun tzu., the author of the art of war..... that man was a genius who set the blueprint for every aspect of conflict and its timeless... of course einstien the creater of the atom bomb..... sigmund freud for sure......... d.b. cooper.... al. capone... for planning the st. valentines day massacre.....


Well-Known Member
how in the hell have all of you forgot about the most obvious choice?
George dubya bush. Clearly a fucking genius. he was able to slide his way into the most powerful seat in the fucking world.