"WHO'S YOUR DADDY?" should always be asked.


Active Member
It just increases the chances of recessive gene problems, it will probably be healthy...well probably not psychologically.
Could be. If it were adopted and never spoken to about who the mom and dad are. Legally, when there 18 they can find out by themselves... Wish that kid a good child hood. He's gonna need it


Well-Known Member
Poor kid, stuck with genes from those two losers. Dad's really having a bad hair day in his mug shot.


Active Member
that was probably the most awkward utterance of the phrase "who's your daddy"ever... kinda reminds me of the jamie prestley scene from joe dirt.


Well-Known Member
And people thought I was a bitch in the 'Would you fuck your daughter' thread... Poor kid. And the worst thing is is I can see clearly how things got so fucked up. It's all down to daddy issues x1000 in this case..


Active Member
And people thought I was a bitch in the 'Would you fuck your daughter' thread... Poor kid. And the worst thing is is I can see clearly how things got so fucked up. It's all down to daddy issues x1000 in this case..
Clearly I never saw that thread. I belive daddy issues is not growing up with a dad. And finding a "dad" figure to sexually interact with. Such as really old men. Not this case.. She literally fucked her father :(


Well-Known Member
Daddy issues can be having an emotionally absent father leaving a daughter to crave attention from men and consequently be hypersexed. I don't believe anyone in the adult entertainment industry doesnt have some degree of emotional trauma. A nerd for validation explaining the exhibitionist behavior. Combined with an innate need for approval of/to please/comply with daddy, something like that had gone one here. Either that or/and a case of genuine Genetic Sexual Attraction. This comment is well thought out

Incest is not only illegal, it is an international taboo. The primary excuse for creating incest laws was, and is, the frequency of genetic defects both physical & mental. Those wishing to legalize incest between consenting adults claim modern technology can correct or limit many birth defects, as well as diagnose them early enough to abort and try again. But this was not only reason societies created the incest taboo.Even our ancients realized that there is a deeply emotional, power dynamic that exists between the nuclear family(Mother-son, Father-Daughter & opposite sex siblings). Even in ancient times when males owned their families like property these cultures recognized the societal need to protect the family unit by defining it's boundaries. A person does not stop being THE parent when their child turns 18. A daughter or son still has the desire share & feel the parental bond even as adults but they will never be psychological equals ( consenting adults) with their parents. The incest taboo was spread throughout the world to protect children of any age from the lust & ownership of their parents.
Today psychologists recognize this psycho-sexual syndrome as Genetic Sexual Attraction. It is an obsessive need to be with a family member. This syndrome has been documented by many adoption agencies as effecting almost 1/2 of adopted adults who search out & find their biological family members. The genetic similarities of appearance & smell of their immediate family members, compounded with the desire to share familia bonding, can trigger a feeling of "Love at first sight". Not knowing how to deal with these loving feelings as a traditional family the relationship becomes sexual. This can be heterosexual or homosexual(Father & son, same-sex siblings, etc...). The desire to never again be parted, turns a family reunion into an unintended incestuous relationship that often rips apart the previous family relationships of these adults. When meeting their lost relative for the first time they all claim they experienced "an overwhelming and complicated rush of emotions" and an "almost irresistible sense of falling in love." They all said they had a need to discover an unusual form of closeness and intimacy with their relative, who had felt the same way. But should we consider these obsessed people to be "consenting adults" under the law?
A parent always holds the psychological power over their offspring regardless of age. That is why many of us were repulsed when we learned Woody Allen was having sex with the 18 yr old daughter of his mistress, Mia Farrow. Allen had been this girl's surrogate Father-figure for 9 yrs. They weren't related by blood but yet in the minds of many there was the question if this was actually consensual or psychological manipulation. When the actress McKenzie Phillips revealed her adult sexual relationship with her estranged biological Father, it again opened the debate about incest laws. But again one has to wonder about the motives of a Father who started his own daughter on drugs as a young teen. Could she really be considered a "consenting adult" in that relationship at age 18?
Freud argued that the reason we prohibit incest is that we are so powerfully tempted by it. That's why it's taboo, not just illegal. We have to erect barriers of horror and disgust to prevent ourselves from succumbing to temptation.
That has to be part of the argument. Children need to be protected from sexual exploitation by parents, because it is all too easy for them to be abused. Parents are strong and lustful, but children are weak and vulnerable. Age does not diminish this dynamic. And we know all too well the life-long damaging effects on children who are exploited by those on whom they are dependent. Their capacity to trust others is impaired if not destroyed.
So we need laws and customs and taboos - whatever it takes -- to preserve the trust that even adult-children need to have in their parents. That trust is not only the basis for their future relationships with others. It's the basis for the confidence they need to be responsible adults and citizens.

I joked that a lot of men are opportunists. Not saying that any decent guvwould ever do this but I wouldn't put it last a dude if he had a super Hor daughter or something. I feel bad got men because of their natural sex drive and women around them displaying tempting messages every day. Or accidentally walking in on a relative undressing, and they're super hot, should a guy get a boner over it he'd be condemned but it wouldn't be his fault for his body's reaction but would have to deal with putting thy thought to the back of his mind. A guy is always in danger of being accused of being a pervert though it takes two. That's alot of pressure :(



Well-Known Member
i motion-

for uncle buck and his immediate family be required to take the same test.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
When all my kids were small we lived in house that backed on to some gypsies, they had nine kids and the old man used to knock lumps out of his wife and the elder girls always had black eyes from him he was a vile man and shouldn't really have been drawing breath. I knew them from when I was a kid I went to school with some of them, and to be honest I felt sorry for the girls,anyway the eldest girl never ever had any signs of beatings like the others and one day I asked one of the other girls why that was they told me it was because she slept with her dad and that's why he didn't hit her, the old lady and all the family knew but ignored it.

one night about 9pm their was a knock at my door when I answered it one of the gypsy girls was standing crying, she said her
sister had given birth to a baby boy in the caravan where they lived and had I got some baby clothes to put on it (I had just had my youngest son) when I asked about the child she said that her sister didn't know she was pregnant, I gave her clothes and a carry cot and I didn't see them for awhile. Then one day the police were their and social services, it turned out the child belonged to her father she had been sleeping with him since she was 13yrs old, he was arrested but later took his own life, she lives not far from me now the boy is 21yrs old and surprisingly enough doesn't look like either of them but he's okay and she has since had more children with someone else.

I saw her one day in the supermarket she told me that by sleeping with her dad it guaranteed her from not getting a beating, and that she had told her sisters to sleep with him also but they wouldn't and that's why he beat them how sad is that I hope he's in hell where he belongs, I don't know wether the boy knows who is dad is I should think that would be better left unsaid.


Well-Known Member
I saw a show the other day where the guest was advocating for DNA tests in all births. He said that 1 in 10 children do not actually belong to the father named. Those UPS guys are awfully busy.